Can I share wireless internet to someone without wireless?


Jun 8, 2005
Here's the situation: a friend will be coming to stay with me for a couple weeks. My apartment building supplies us with free wireless internet. My friend is bringing her rig, but does not have a wireless adapter, and is not looking to drop 50 bucks on one to last her two weeks.

Since I'm already plugged in, is it possible to share the internet I get through my wireless over a basic hub so that she can use it as well?
Internet Connection Sharing via our computer running Windows.

I have not had good luck with it....Buut YRMV. Thats about all you can do though really.
Eh...I kept messing with that at my old place trying to share dial-up, and eventually just found myself a lanmodem that made it a lot easier.

Should my results vary with high-speed not involving a modem?
i think you can bridge the wireless adapter in yours and your ethernet card and then use a cat5 cable to supply her with internet, but im not exactly sure on the specifics as i could never get that to work for my ps2 and lappy.