Can I remotely operate a computer over ethernet?


Jan 12, 2005
I run a teamspeak server on a computer I have that's on almost 24/7. After seeing the convenience of having my own server, I added a ventrilo server as well, and then the strain on the computer started to become too much and voice chat starting lagging terribly on my servers. I want to build a dedicated vent/TS server and possibly make it a game server as well, and just stick it in my closet, run power and ethernet, and forget about it.

Are there any programs I can get (preferably for a low price) that will allow me to remotely operate the computer? I'm picturing something like a program running on my main computer that will allow me to view the server's desktop in a window and use the keyboard and mouse from my computer to operate the server.

Does that make any sense? The server is probably going to be running some form of Linux, or Windows 2000 or XP. My router is only 100MB, not gigabit; if such a program exists, would I benefit from ugprading to gigabit?
Very possible.

If running Windows 2000 or XP Pro, you can do Remote Desktop. Best of all it's a feature integrated into the OS, so you don't have to buy software to do such a thing. Just do some research on Google about Windows Remote Desktop and you'll get lots of info and tips on setting it up.

Linux... I'm still a n00b, and I'm guessing that functionality is available with a 3rd party package of some sort. I'm sure there's a linux buff or two in here that can answer that side for you though. :)
VNC is free

You can also set up Netmeeting. Which you can run by opening up IE and then doing a file-new-internet call
i use RealVNC. I also have a ventrilo server and i use it to watch that and all my folding comps :cool:
Ok, thanks. Microsoft's page about RDP only talked about Windows XP Pro for the server, so I'm assuming that I can't run Win2K on it? :(

I'm probably going to go with Linux if there's some easy and good software available. $200 for an operating system is just too much for me to swallow. :eek:

Edit: Nevermind that comment about RDP; I didn't look at the RealVNC suggestion that was made. Looking into it now. It looks like I'm gonna use this.