CAMM2 RAM for desktops? What is the future for SO-DIMM DDR5?


Dec 1, 2019
Saw some Youtube videos talking about mobos for Intel 15th gen CPU, and the boards discussed have CAMM2 RAM, so now I'm wondering what the future is for SO-DIMM DDR5? DDR4 had a very long run, but maybe SO-DIMM DDR5 will die an early death?
As I understand it, CAMM2 was originally a concept designed for lappies, given the flat, space-saving mounting method, and we all know that space is a valid concern in lappies. However, IF, and this is a big IF, they can make it run as cool or cooler, and as fast or faster than DDR 4, then it should be a real winner overall...

However, I have also seen those reports of it being used in some newer concept mobo's for desktops as well, so if that happens, I think it would probably be adopted as a standard fairly quickly....

But of course, cost is always an issue too, and most of the time, anything coming out as the "latest & greatest" usually carries a price premium with it, at least until it's production ramps up & it starts to sell well, so we'll have to wait & see what happens, but I'm all for it as long as it delivers on it's promises...

and how this will affect so-dimms is not known at this point. :D
However, IF, and this is a big IF, they can make it run as cool or cooler, and as fast or faster than DDR 4, then it should be a real winner overall...

It's the same RAM with a different connector. It's gonna be the same speed, maybe a smidge faster if the connector is really better and lets you run faster.

That said, for desktops, I think the issue is these use a lot of horizontal space (parallel to the motherboard) versus a conventional dimm slot, and there's not a lot of room for that, so probably only a single slot (not as bad as it sounds, because camm2 modules can be dual channel, but requires upgrade at once rather than starting with 2 dimms and later buying 2 more on a 4 slot board). I can't tell if camm2 has chips on both sides or only on top? If only on top, it should cool better than tightly packed dimms.
It's the same RAM with a different connector. It's gonna be the same speed, maybe a smidge faster if the connector is really better and lets you run faster.

That said, for desktops, I think the issue is these use a lot of horizontal space (parallel to the motherboard) versus a conventional dimm slot, and there's not a lot of room for that, so probably only a single slot (not as bad as it sounds, because camm2 modules can be dual channel, but requires upgrade at once rather than starting with 2 dimms and later buying 2 more on a 4 slot board). I can't tell if camm2 has chips on both sides or only on top? If only on top, it should cool better than tightly packed dimms.
Yes, I think it will be a toss-up between making more room for CPU coolers that won't have to have the heat pipes & fins with that silly up-cut to avoid the vertical ram sticks, and the horizontal plane, which will be a little larger since the wiring connectors are moving to the back of the mobo.... and based on the pics I have seen, CAMM's are mounted really close to the mobo surface, so there may or may not be room for dual-sided sticks....

But I agree that there should be more than 1 slot so that capacity won't be limited or having to toss an existing stick to replace it with a larger one...
but requires upgrade at once rather than starting with 2 dimms and later buying 2 more on a 4 slot board)
Which in the realm of DDR5 where you can (currently) get 96GB across only two DIMM's is a concept that needs to die. 4x DIMM's is a pain in the ass in the first place.