Bypass Accidental Reinstall of Windows


Dec 15, 2003
My problem is a bit complicated to explain...
I messed up the startup process of my Windows XP install, and in getting it fixed one thing i tried was the automated repair from the Windows XP cd (start the install process and when it searches and finds an existing installation press r to attempt repair). I tried this twice, and the second time, now that i think back, must have started a new install since it didn't think it could repair the existing install. Now, the startup process is fine, but it goes into the initial GUI part of the Windows XP installation. I already have a good install of Windows XP, and the only thing this new install has done is the initial copying files needed for the installation process. The windows folder is still fine, and none of the documents and settings or anything have been overwritten yet, so I want to know if I can still save this previous installation by deleting some line in a startup file or something to stop Windows XP setup from coming up when i boot. Is there some way to just delete the files that setup copied, and then it will reconize the old install again? thanks.