By Request - Windows 98 crashing on first CNN demonstration


Mar 10, 2004
Here is the link that someone requested earlier today. I'm making this post because its a funny video that I think a lot of you will get a laugh out of.

I hope the mods don't mind. It is operating system oriented after all. The file is approx. 1.6 megs download, quicktime format.

P.S. how many minutes do you think Gates waited to fire that guy? Look at their faces. Gates is like "You're so fired..." and the tech guy is like "I'm so fired..."

Oh, and just for fun, as an afterthought...heres bill gates getting hit in the face with a pie.

Note - You may have to save the MPA file to your local HD before playing it. Quicktime will play that also, but for some reason it wouldn't play in my browser. Maybe thats because I'm using windows 98 :D
"thats why were not relasing windows 98 yet". damn i am using win98se right now and it is the shittist os i've ever used. i just insstalled 98 yesterday and i already had 4564546 blue screen of deaths :p
xdviper said:
"thats why were not relasing windows 98 yet". damn i am using win98se right now and it is the shittist os i've ever used. i just insstalled 98 yesterday and i already had 4564546 blue screen of deaths :p
I run XP Pro on my main rig, but I have a machine that got a Win98SE upgrade from Win95 back when 98SE first came out. (not a clean install.) The machine has never been reformatted, and it works just fine. It has been to the underbelly of the net and back, too. I have another machine that was purchased in Nov.97 that works great, as well. It came with Win98, and it got maybe three reformats since. Both machines have spent their lives on networks, and they both play well with Win2K and XP.

Win98 and 98SE ain't bad if you know how to configure and maintain them.
mosin said:
I run XP Pro on my main rig, but I have a machine that got a Win98SE upgrade from Win95 back when 98SE first came out. (not a clean install.) The machine has never been reformatted, and it works just fine. It has been to the underbelly of the net and back, too. I have another machine that was purchased in Nov.97 that works great, as well. It came with Win98, and it got maybe three reformats since. Both machines have spent their lives on networks, and they both play well with Win2K and XP.

Win98 and 98SE ain't bad if you know how to configure and maintain them.

I agree completely :D. My main computer is still running Windows 98SE, and its been going since the beta version of Windows 98 (i don't even remember how i got it, but i did learn beta operating systems aren't good :D). I've had my thing going for about 5 years now without a reformat, and its been through a LOT. If it can survive my campus's network, it can survive anything :D. Its really chugged right along there.

I do look forward to my upgrade though, which should be any week now, once I get off my bum and decide to part with the cash.
w00t! Hats off to you for being Windows 98 SE's [H]ardest!!! :cool:

Thanks a lot there, DireWolf. Good to know the urban legend has a basis in fact. :)
Didn't this happen with XP also? I remember something like this happening when Bill was demonstrating XP to the public.
I guess I can discuss the stories behind the demo.

My boss was one of the USB testers at the time, and they tested that scanner and passed it and said it worked fine. Problem was is they plugged it into a powered hub, and it worked fine, they didn't plug it into a bus-powered hub, which is what Bill did, and it caused the blue screen.
Ranma_Sao said:
I guess I can discuss the stories behind the demo.

My boss was one of the USB testers at the time, and they tested that scanner and passed it and said it worked fine. Problem was is they plugged it into a powered hub, and it worked fine, they didn't plug it into a bus-powered hub, which is what Bill did, and it caused the blue screen.
I bet someone got their heads chewed off for that one.

p.s.—check yer messages, and hope things are going well with your recent business
GreNME said:
I bet someone got their heads chewed off for that one.

p.s.—check yer messages, and hope things are going well with your recent business

Everything is going well. It was definatly a shock when it was all done. ;)

I will start to dig in to your request later this week I promise. ;)