Buying XP Pro + licenses (not corporate)


Jun 27, 2004
Being that I wipe and reinstall & configure a good amount of computers, and want to avoid the whole piracy bit, what's the easiest manner in which I purchase a copy of XP Pro and a small block of licenses (3-5) and re-up when necessary?
DigitalMP said:
Being that I wipe and reinstall & configure a good amount of computers, and want to avoid the whole piracy bit, what's the easiest manner in which I purchase a copy of XP Pro and a small block of licenses (3-5) and re-up when necessary?

There are packs that are basically the same as corporate, but meant to be bought in small chunks.

What's nice is that you can defer payment if necessary since it can be a hefty charge depending on how many you pick up at once. If you can swing it, try to become an OEM guy with MS and go for the Action Pack. A bunch of licenses for everything a small business would probably need, and you just pay an annual fee like $300 or so.