Burning software - Linux

I didn't know there was a default cd recording package, but if you mean cdrecord then it's command line and pretty hard to get everything right if you don't know what you are doing. And google knows about cd recording software, but it won't tell you if a particular program is good or bad. Xcdroast is a gui frontend to cdrecord and a lot of people use it, but I recommend k3b. K3b is kinda like nero and I like it a lot. Though at the moment my cd writer is not connected and I don't want to lose my 14 days of uptime to plug it in. Next time the power goes out for more than a few minutes I guess I'll plug it in. :D
K3B is probably the easiest to use. It is pretty much a clone of Nero.
i'm also a big user of k3b. it requires that you have kdelibs 3.x.x installed. i've also tried xcdroast - but i like k3b a bit more
Another vote for XCDroast here. I've had the best luck with it (though I'll give k3b a try).
Originally posted by Shorty
Alcohol 120%
Well you answered half his question. I wish there was a linux version of alcohol 120. It's a pretty nice program.
i personally use xcdroast too, i have all the qt libs installed but try to stay away from kde apps when i can. But k3b is probably easier to use, i found the xcdroast interface a little strange, but it is very useful