burning DVD videos


Limp Gawd
Aug 10, 2006
Is it possible to convert more than 2 .avi videos and burn them on 1 DVD so i can play them on any DVD player?

Like a Multi-Video DVD thingy with some sort of way to choose which video i want to watch....

just wondering if it is possible because im pretty sure u could encode two 700mb .avi videos to fit on 1 dvd.
it will let me burn 2 .vob or watever files to a dvd and make it playable on any dvd player?
Saki630 said:
it will let me burn 2 .vob or watever files to a dvd and make it playable on any dvd player?

dont know about *.vob files but avi's yea i do it all the time
TMPG ENC Xpress is better than Nero vision for this purpose.
2 x 100 minute movies probably won't look very good squeezed onto a 4.5gb dvdr. I wouldn't really try to squeeze much past 2.5 hours of converted-from-divx stuff, it's just going to look like crap.

But of you want to try, Nero Vision Express is about as easy as falling off a log.
quality is going to depend on the original source files. If they AVI files are 320x240, scaling them to 720x480 (native NTSC size) will make them look pixelated.

I use Adobe Premiere and Adobe Encore for the tasks you are asking about.