Buffalo USB 2.0 Ext Drive


Mar 31, 2001
I've got some major issues w/the above 250 GB external drive I just bought. I recently ALMOST lost my whole media drive so I was scared straight like many are in terms of backups.

My problems are two fold:
1). The buffalo software is awful in my opinion. It frequently locks up and won't finish complete backups. Could anyone recommend a 3rd party backup software solution for me?

2). XP reports that I need to connect the drive to a USB2.0 capable port to take full advantage of the speed increase when I turn it on. The problem is, the mobo is 2.0 and the ext drive is 2.0. I have it plugged directly into the mobo so I could take my usb hub out of the picture. WTF is going on w/this thing? Naturally any backups take forever as it's operating at 1.1 speeds.

Anyone think this thing is a lemon? Anything I could do to rectify these issues? I'd appreciate any help.