budget system contest

May 26, 2005
I don't have the budget for 7800's or even sli so I was just wondering what the "best" budget system is on here...here is my system and the prices.

athlon 3000+ venice(stable all day long at 2.8gz, and runs at 25c idle and 31 load)- 150 bux
chaintech zenith mobo- 80 bux
2 gig of kingmax ram( I love kingmax no matter what anyone says)- 200 bux
300 gig maxtor 16mb cache - I got this one free because of a couple older drives that went bad and maxtor offered me this instead of fixing them
sapphire x800xl 512mb - 200 bux (I almost wet myself when I saw the price)
audigy 2 zs- 50 bux
hauppage win-tv go- 40 bux
dell 2001fp- 450 bux (you cant skimp on monitors or the whole system suffers)
27 dollar skyhawk case from new egg(this thing is amazing for the price, it would be great even if it was 3 times the cost)
z-5500's- got these for 250
sennheiser hd485 headphones- 70 bux
xp-120 cooling on the cpu-20 bux (bought it used and ugly)

wow 1537 total cost, I never realized I spent this much on my computer since it has taken like 2 years to finally be finished.
I even got shit way cheaper than I shoulda, hmmm would this even qualify as a budget comp?
wow this is an expensive peice of metal wurring along next to me... who knew?
runs at 25c idle and 31 load

I always wonder when people give temps like this... hehe...

so idle is 77F and load is 87.8F... now I suppose this is possible with water cooling... but with just regular air cooling, I doubt it, even with cold room temps (<70?)

lets just see here... the XP-90c, a heatsink that is regarded by you guys as one of the best, has a thermal resistance of ~0.19°C/Watt from what I can gather from reviews.

You are overclocking that venice pretty high and probably have the voltage raised, so lets assume 70w of heat output. working that in the formula you have 15.2C difference at the very least between ambient and load temps. 15.2C is about 59.3 degrees F. so... with an average room temp of 75F you would have a 55c load temp...

ok that seems a bit high... the chip probably isn't putting out 70watts... but maybe 60w. even then you would have a load temp of over 52c when your room tempetuture is 75f...

but lets make it cold in the room... 69degrees with 60watt chip, then your load temps are ~49c.

Unless you are using water cooling or COLD air cooling, you are not going to get close to the temps you meantion...
voltage is 1.35 volts (this is a very special chip)
I did lie a little as it runs at 2799 not 2800 so my bad there. ;)
idle is right now as i type this 27 degrees with fans on low. I have a rheostat that is hooked to three tornadoes the smaller ones are rated at like 85 cfm I think and the 92mm is rated at 114 at its peak. The cpu fan is a 120mm panaflo rated at 125 cfm it runs at full speed at all times.
As I was typing this I cranked the rheostat and now I am at 25c on the cpu, thats idle. I will now load it and I realize its not fully accurate as this wont be 30 minutes of load but I am just making a point.

32c with all fans maxxed
35c with fans low

your math and logic is flawed or 1c makes a huge difference in it all.
You can tell me all day that the numbers arent right but I am sitting here next to this whirlwind

and load for me is running prime95 and the videocard artifact testing thing with atitool and watching tv on my tv card(which no doesnt work well for watching tv during all this)
temps are pulled from speedfan and from ntune.
well there are severla things about my math:

Your chip could put out much less then 60watts.

The measurement of .19 c/w thermal resistance could be wrong +/- a little bit...

ALSO, your measurements could be wrong... bios never gets it exactly right.

oh, and room temp makes a huge difference... I cannot get below 38C or so no matter what I do on air because the room temp is around 78F already... I live in hot texas climate and it is summer.

2.8ghz at 1.35v on air... sounds very special anyway. Is this a venice core fx57? hehe
Well the rig in my sig cost me about $550 when I did it........bout 3 1/2 yrs ago. I re-used the cpu, optical drives, floppy, and ethernet card. Started with a re-used geforce2mx untill I got the 5600fx. Hmm......make that $600.
Gotta look out for the deals, man.

7800 GT- 450
nforce 4 SLI mobo- normally 150, free with GPU
AMD 3500+ Venice- 220
Raidmax Samurai case - 80
160 GB HDD- 40 w/ $90 MIR
1 gig RAM- 84

total: $874

Yep. Budget PC, too.
I got everything in my sig + mouse and head phones(senn HD497s) for a lil but under $1300
My SFF Budget Rig

CPU: Celeron D 335
Case: Antec Aria
mobo: Jetway A350 DMS- Onboard Video and Sound(refurbished)
RMA of mobo
ram: 2x 256 Crucial Ballistix
HDD: 80GB WD ATA100 (traded it for mobo i paid $10 for)
NIC: D-Link wireless G
HSF: Asus Crux
free (reused an old one I had)

Total: $343.73
Twig and Berries said:
wasnt sposed to be about winning or losing the mods changed the title
i know its not a contest... i was just kidding, so i edited my comment... although i would say any system over $1000 is not what i would consider a budget system, but about third of your cost came from your lcd display, i have 19" crt that i got as a christmas gift... free is always good, if it wasnt for that my budget system would have been ~$200 more ;)