Budget router and flashing.


Apr 20, 2007
Hey guys I know this has been asked like a trillion times, but I done some searching and i'm still wondering about stuff. Well I found this on newegg which I think it's what i'm looking for. But I did see some stuff about the newer versions of it being harder to flash because of less ram. Also how would I go about finding which version it is without buying it? Also there's dd-wrt and vxworkskiller, which one of these could I use? I looked up flashing on google but mainly it was for after you bricked the router and ways to possibly fix that. Well any links or tips would be really appreciated, also my price limit would be something like 40 bucks.
alright! well thanks, the gl is 44 bucks with free shipping which is still ok for me. So what would be the most noob friendly application dd-wrt or vxworkskiller, or some linux distro?

also, any possible issues running xp and vista machines on it?
DD-WRT is most popular these days...it can give a little performance boost to the old wrt54"g*" series....plus quite a few cool features.

Tomato is another awesome 3rd party firmware for them...I actually preferred that one..seemed to perform a bit "snappier" than DD also. But a few less features than DD. Wether you'll miss those features or not...up to you and how you wish to use it.