Brother needs new computer


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2002
My little brother is really in need of a new computer. He is wanting to play games like Counter-Strike, HL, BF2, and all types of FPS. I have a few left over components that i can use but he still needs a processor, motherboard, ram, video card, cd drive, and maybe a PSU. He has a budget of around $500. I would really appreciate it if you guys could suggest something for him. Thanks a lot.
You don't need the DFI unless he is playing to overclock. If he doesn't plan to overclock then get Epox, chaintech, and even Asus.
under 500 is hard for BF2, but you can built somehtign that can play is fine now an be upped easy later..

One sugectios is first drop the DFI mobo, its too much money for a 500$ box!

You may want to consider a singal 1gb stick of DDR3200 that away he can later get a 1gb stick and run 2gbs dual channel...yea running singal channel will hurt a tad in game but the easy upgrade to 2gb will be woth it for BF2..

also maybe shell out some dough (saved form the mobo!) for a 6800nu PCIe... it can bring better Bf2 (and HL2) preformence that a 6600gt, and IMO is the lowest card worth running SLI me 2 6600GTs is jsut a waste of money, but 2 6800nu will fill nicely and almost match 2 6800GTs...

I say:

3000+ vience retail.. $146
a singal 1gb stick of DDR3200 $85
6800nu PCIe - $209
MSI K8N Neo4/SLI - $127
basic CDRW/DVD-ROM $20

your still looking at about 600bux, but it gives options for 2 major easy future upgrades.. 2gb dual channel and 6800nu SLI..witch is a great rig..

Wanna stay under or at 500, I say 6800nu AGP, with a Nf3 s939 mobo...

3000+ vience retail.. $146
a singal 1gb stick of DDR3200 $85
6800nu AGP - $185
Chaintech Nf3 s939 $77
basic CDRW/DVD-ROM $20
Why would you recommend a board that costs $8 less :p . I'd say go with that Chaintech board I linked to, and your choice of a pci-e 6600gt and 6800nu, the performance difference isn't that big, you will be fine playing BF2 on that as long as you don't think you're going to be cruising at 1600x1200 res max settings and aa/af or something, that's not gonna happen, heh.
Phranq said:
Why would you recommend a board that costs $8 less :p.
Because his board is SLI leaving little brother the option of dual 6800nu's, while the DFI is a seriously overpriced board based on an inferior (nF4 Ultra) chipset.
The 6600 will run BF2 fine I have one and I run BF2 with everything on high.
Blah425 said:
The 6600 will run BF2 fine I have one and I run BF2 with everything on high.

at what res? the 3200+a64 and 6600GT I use form time to time will only pull playable frames in bf2 1024x768, medium everyhting...
sac_tagg said:
Because his board is SLI leaving little brother the option of dual 6800nu's, while the DFI is a seriously overpriced board based on an inferior (nF4 Ultra) chipset.

I personally think the DFI board is worth it. I bought one, and just look at my overclock. It took me one day to get it overclocked and to test for stabillity. The DFI is a great board, especially when paired with UTT/BH-5 RAM. I can also mod it to SLI if I ever need that feature.

But I agree, unless he really wants to overclock the MSI board would be a better choice. The top spots remain the same:

Overclocking: DFI
No overclocking: MSI