Broken Mailto Links (Firefox 3 + Windows Mail)


Jun 30, 2003
I use in Firefox 3 as my web browser, and when clicking on a mailto email link on a webpage, nothing happens. It works in Internet Explorer, but of course, I don't want to use that. My email client is the default Windows Mail that comes with Vista.

Any ideas? I did do a Google search on the matter, but couldn't find much help. Most links bring me to Thunderbird related matters, which is not very useful to me.
Ever thought of just switching to Thunderbird? If you like Firefox, you will like Thunderbird.
I am using the same setup currently with no issues. Are you blocking scripts by any chance?
I was wondering if you were blocking Java or Flash. I found that a whole slew of annoyances arose when I blocked those. Some of which, were links that became unclickable.
I was wondering if you were blocking Java or Flash. I found that a whole slew of annoyances arose when I blocked those. Some of which, were links that became unclickable.

I'm not knowingly blocking anything, but just to be sure, how do I check?
Damn. I use almost every one of those add-ons myself. Try temporarily disabling AdBlock and see if it is one of its' facets. Also, remove the AVG add on. It caused me all sorts of troubles when I had it installed, some similar to what you are describing. In my case, it was blocking some of my links to get into work. Basically, they didn't even show up as clickable. It also slowed my browsing ability considerably.