Broadband connection keeps going dead..why?


Limp Gawd
Dec 24, 2006

I have my modem in bridge mode and I'm connecting to the net using the dialup style connections where you put your ISPs username/pass and connect that way instead of PPPoE. Now when using PPPoE I had no problems.

With the dialup style connections why is it that the connection seems to go dead all of a sudden. For example the connection could be left idle or I could be using and out of the blue websites will timeout and no sites will load and if they DO start loading it's very very slow. Now don't tell me to switch back to PPPoE because theres a reason I'm using my modem in bridge mode so that's not an option.

Any suggestions on any settings that I could change that could be causing this?

My modem I got free with my ISP (I'm not from the US BTW). Need any more info just ask..

I have my modem in bridge mode and I'm connecting to the net using the dialup style connections where you put your ISPs username/pass and connect that way instead of PPPoE. Now when using PPPoE I had no problems.

With the dialup style connections why is it that the connection seems to go dead all of a sudden. For example the connection could be left idle or I could be using and out of the blue websites will timeout and no sites will load and if they DO start loading it's very very slow. Now don't tell me to switch back to PPPoE because theres a reason I'm using my modem in bridge mode so that's not an option.

Any suggestions on any settings that I could change that could be causing this?

My modem I got free with my ISP (I'm not from the US BTW). Need any more info just ask..

Why isn't switching back to PPPoE an option?
[BB] Rick James;1031199827 said:
Why isn't switching back to PPPoE an option?

Well it's a long story but basically I use RASPPPOE to set up 2 dialup connections from 2 different ISPs to route traffic through each one.

See, the thing is, where I'm from our telco still has the monopoly so international bandwidth is expensive so I have to route international and local traffic through 2 different accounts to save on costs.

But obviously my question is WHY does the connection just sorta die out? How can I prevent that from happening?
Well it's a long story but basically I use RASPPPOE to set up 2 dialup connections from 2 different ISPs to route traffic through each one.

See, the thing is, where I'm from our telco still has the monopoly so international bandwidth is expensive so I have to route international and local traffic through 2 different accounts to save on costs.

But obviously my question is WHY does the connection just sorta die out? How can I prevent that from happening?

Does your ISP change IP's on you every so often? There is an ISP here that changes their customer's IP addresses every hour! Fucking retarded if you ask me.
[BB] Rick James;1031203335 said:
Does your ISP change IP's on you every so often? There is an ISP here that changes their customer's IP addresses every hour! Fucking retarded if you ask me.

Yea, but it also helps them enforce their policy of "no servers"
[BB] Rick James;1031203335 said:
Does your ISP change IP's on you every so often? There is an ISP here that changes their customer's IP addresses every hour! Fucking retarded if you ask me.

Yeah I think IPs are reset every 24 hours.

I'm no network guru but it's odd that one minute everything will work fine and the next all .com etc sites (i.e. international sites for me) just start timing out. My forecastfox plugin will time out and basically everything else is either dead or dog slow.

Only way to fix it is disconnecting/reconnecting but there must be a way to figure out what exactly is causing this. I'm gonna swap ISPs at the beginning of the month and I'll see if that helps and post back.

Any suggestions are welcome.
Thanks for the replies so far.