breaker blew, system file error, win2k, lil help here?


I Have No Title
Jun 9, 2002
I'll save the story for how the breaker blew if anyone asks.

Ive recently moved my only UPS to my server. I need to buy more... :rolleyes:

anyway since it was killed while *BOOTING* (sigh) I get this error.


win2k autorepair option does not find any installs of win2k to repair, but the manual repair console does. I do not have the first clue what to do to that one though...

Anyone got any ideas for me? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

I'm already getting set to ghost it over (as a way to grab files I want out of the image) and install clean but I would rather just have the OS back :(
...and just how do you think the hard drive could be physically damaged from a power failure?

I've been a tech for well over 10 years, more on about 12, I know the signs of a physically damaged hard drive when I see/hear them, this isn't it. it's a simple data error.
okay. instead of throwing them away how bout giving me your "bad" hardware from now on? :D

--back to the issue at hand. someone know how to do the recovery console...?
I'm on my server (specs can be found at and it doesnt have much anything going, heck I stripped it down and can't even use java / etc anymore.
It had bad sectors on it after the breaker blew. Diagnosed it with the seagate tools and rma'd it back to them.
yea, even after a low level format it still had bad sectores, thats why i sent it back
ah ok sometimes it gets the engineering cylinder and even if the sector is good the drive EC says it's bad. too bad there is no true LLF for IDE drives, only SCSI.

anyways, the drive's fine I know how to tell quite well, it's a simple data error.
you say you can get to recovery console right? have you run a chkdsk /p ? or a chkdsk /f or r?
uh... there is no /f option. it found errors with /p
chkdsk /? says there is only /p and /r options, what the...?
I just read up, /r fixes surface errors, not data errors. this is a data error.

thanks for trying, though. any more ideas? :(