Booting from Win2k>XP>Vista


Mar 4, 2006
I am in the process of setting up a machine to test software under various versions of Windows. I have no problem with partitioning as required for the various OS's.

I would load the OS's in the following order:

Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows XP 64 (may not need this version)
Vista 32
Vista 64

I vaquely remember (or misrember) something about Win2k and Vista. Can one set up a machine to boot to Win2k and Vista? Or, will the Vista bootloader not allow me to boot to Win2k? Or am I just full of crap that I think that there might be a problem?
I believe you can do this, but you have to install from oldest to newest in terms of OS (Vista last), as your list indicates. If you have any problems after that, you can use EasyBCD or VistaBootPro to hopefully make it work the way you want.
Thanks for the info.:)

I have EasyBCD. I just don't use it that often, so I kinda forgot about that one. I'll check out VistaBootPro, also.