Boot Selector with Acronis P965 Chipset


Jul 30, 2007
I am trying to dual boot Windows Vista along with another OS.

I was trying to use Acronis Disk Image 10 from a boot CD so that I can do the whole "OS Selector" thing. I figure someone on here may have a similar setup and will know the answer right away. I have the P965 chipset with AHCI turned off right now. The bootable Acronis Disk does not see either of my SATAII drives. Before I go mess with settings, does anyone know if I will be able to get this to work and if so, what settings in the BIOS must be enables/disabled?
I've tried the same thing (built a custom boot disk ON the actual machine (ASUS P5B Dlx (965)) and no go - I think it has more to do with the ICH8R than the NB.

My P5W DH get detected fine. Haven't found a working fix yet.