Bookmark sync between Opera/Firefox?


[H]F Junkie
Apr 22, 2006
I like Opera 10.5 but it has terrible bookmark input. Is there anyway to better sync the bookmarks between it and Firefox?
Well finally back to my Original solution. Ditch Opera.

I used to run Opera almost exclusively (before FF 1.0), and ever once in a while I give a major shot at using it again, but it always ends the same. The more I use, the more the Opera inconsistencies/weirdness crops up, until I finally give up in frustration.
ever once in a while I give a major shot at using it again, but it always ends the same. The more I use, the more the Opera inconsistencies/weirdness crops up, until I finally give up in frustration.

That's been my experience as well. I too recently tried 10.5 and although it has been my favorite iteration of Opera so far, I was back to Chrome and FF within a week.