Blogs and websites


Limp Gawd
Mar 26, 2002
OK here goes..... I am a programmer by profession(apps and web apps) and I have a question about blogs. Keep in mind that I have never "made" one but I have done a little reading on them, how can you not these days. Anyway, are they not just regular websites? I mean i can create a very simple website and just update context hourly. would that make my website a blog?
I quess what i am getting at is what makes a website a blog? (other that using "blog" software)
Well blog is just short for 'web log'. Nothing more then a personal website where you post tidbits about life or your feelings on a subject or such. If you make a website that you update your self you could call it a blog, a personal website, a homepage, whatever... it's just buzz words, not a reference to any particular technology.
before the term "web log" and later just "blog" came into being, people used to simply refer to them as their "online diary". which makes me scratch my head as to why the term e-Diary never took off instead of Blog. anyway, enough of my rambling, whatever you choose to call it, it's basically just a website whose content is your own personal thoughts and experiences.

coding your own blog is actually a great way to keep your skillsets up during the slow months.
Most people have their blogs tied to a database and use CSS rather than doing static pages.

Of course you can use something like wordpress or drupal but you might want to hand code that badboy yourself.