blast from the past - dialup router


Limp Gawd
Apr 21, 2002
My parents live in the sticks... way too far for any type of high speed internet and they're too conservative (cheap) with their wallets to go satelite. Mom would like to surf wirelessly on her lappy and I'd like to do something nice for Mother's Day.

I'm looking for a router that supports dial-up access, either by included modem or COM port. The only close match I've found is the now-EOL Apple AirPort Extreme and a not-even-listed-on-their-website-anymore router from D-Link. Could someone please recommend a router that would manage a dial-up connection?

Before anyone posts to build my own linux box as a router, I am expressly not doing this because

1) I'd spend as much or more on parts as I would buying the dialup router and wireless AP
2) With a fanless SOHO device the potential for failure (drive failure, etc.) is much lower
3) I may as well just use ICS and share the desktop's dialup through a wireless AP. The downside to this is that my parents do not leave the computer on at all times, which makes things inconvenient for mom when she wants to surf.

Or hit up eBay for 3COMs OfficeConnect 56k. Or an old WebRamp from RampNetworks (which evolved into Sonicwall I think) I've setup many of both of these years ago. They work just like any home grade broadband router...web admin at, etc.
Windows ICS is horrible with broadband...I can't imagine how excruciatingly painful it is with dial up. I'd stick with a dial up router...having setup many of them years ago in the dial up days..with networks of a dozen PCs sharing's not that bad.
I've had no problem using Windows ICS with a EVDO cell phone link.
Anyway, the old Apple Wifi-Air-Port router's had 56k dialup functionality. Not sure if windows plays nice with these though. Also, I saw them on appe's cearance a while back for $79 ish
hehe, not that this helps any, but this reminds me back to the old days when i had wingate set up on my NT4 with Proxy Server 2.0 at the house. when i hit IE (probably IE3 or a 4 beta!) the NT box would dial my ISP, and i would surf thru the proxy. i thought i was a networking god! whoever heard of one computer causing another computers modem to dial without any local console intervention??? :D

ah, the simple days, when viruses were just rumors. ah well sorry, i didnt mean to hijack this thread :)
Windows ICS is horrible with broadband...I can't imagine how excruciatingly painful it is with dial up. I'd stick with a dial up router...having setup many of them years ago in the dial up days..with networks of a dozen PCs sharing's not that bad.

Actually, I've used a XP box with ICS in the past as my router. It worked exceptionally well(It was my torrent box). Currently I am using my XP desktop with ICS to share my Bluetooth Cellphone connection with my Linux boxes. Works fine(I mean, the connection itself sucks, but the routing works fine).