BlackViper under construction?

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Ren H

Limp Gawd
Mar 27, 2005
Did a quick Google search and found old info on this.
Anyone know what's up?
Someone sued him and he had to close his site, it may be an urban legend but who knows :(
geez, maybe someone should setup a fund for legal fees if that is true
wonder why anyone would sue him, M$ maybe?
Ren H said:
geez, maybe someone should setup a fund for legal fees if that is true
wonder why anyone would sue him, M$ maybe?

Yeah, turning off services was such secret knowledge that Microsoft not only had his site shut down, but had him killed and his body buried at a secret location.
pigster said:
Yeah, turning off services was such secret knowledge that Microsoft not only had his site shut down, but had him killed and his body buried at a secret location.

Sweet!!! :p
Ok, I usually don't get involved with this kind of thing but I've been mocked so,

What's with the hate people have for this guy?

He's provided a useful rescource for people who don't have the knowledge, or maybe I should say have better things to do with their time than waste it figuring out and learning about all that superfluous stuff Microsoft thinks should be running by defualt.

I'm surprised nobody said it was probably some idiot (that sued him) who broke his machine using his advice 'cause he was too stupid or lazy to learn about it himself. (maybe that was too obvious)

And let me save you some time:

have better things to do with their time
Like lurk around forums all day wasting other peoples time with threads like this?

Ren H said:
Ok, I usually don't get involved with this kind of thing but I've been mocked so,

What's with the hate people have for this guy?

He's provided a useful rescource for people who don't have the knowledge, or maybe I should say have better things to do with their time than waste it figuring out and learning about all that superfluous stuff Microsoft thinks should be running by defualt.

I'm surprised nobody said it was probably some idiot (that sued him) who broke his machine using his advice 'cause he was too stupid or lazy to learn about it himself. (maybe that was too obvious)
His site had numerous technical errors on it. The idea that you should spend time mucking around with services to change performance is a joke, for the most part. The average system didn't see actual gains by doing things "his way"; you would see "less memory used" but that didn't equate to a performance increase.
Phoenix86 said:
His site had numerous technical errors on it. The idea that you should spend time mucking around with services to change performance is a joke, for the most part. The average system didn't see actual gains by doing things "his way"; you would see "less memory used" but that didn't equate to a performance increase.

See people argue with me that reducing the number of startup processes doesnt do anything... well I can physically tell the difference in real-world tests, not synthetic benchmarks which did show no gain. I can have 12 processes running at startup on WinXP when most people have like 30+. My WinXP always booted faster and ran more smoothly overall.
His site had numerous technical errors on it
thank you for the reasonable reply
I might add my 2cents
other reasons to disable unneccessary services: security, privacy, not having Microsoft patch something I don't want patched (that last one is maybe a poor addition but still relevant)
Tetrahedron said:
See people argue with me that reducing the number of startup processes doesnt do anything... well I can physically tell the difference in real-world tests, not synthetic benchmarks which did show no gain. I can have 12 processes running at startup on WinXP when most people have like 30+. My WinXP always booted faster and ran more smoothly overall.
I didn't say "reducing the number of startup processes doesn't do anything". I said it doesn't help the average machine.

Yes, starting less will make you boot faster. I reboot my PC maybe 1/month, hibernate is faster than whatever you are doing.

You have limited what your machine can do by 30+ things to 12, with regard to services. Thats ok if you never do those 18+ other things. It's even a bit more secure.

I haven't seen benchmarks that favor running less services. Can you post your results?

How did it run "more smoothly" that sets off my BS detector.

Ren H said:
Ok, I usually don't get involved with this kind of thing but I've been mocked so,

Sorry, a call to arms for a legal defence fund for BlackViper because M$ is shutting him down was something so ridiculous that I simply couldn't resist.

My apologies if I offended or embarrassed you.

Back to Blackviper, his page was a solution for a non-existent problem. Turning off all sort of services won't make your machine run faster/smoother/better.
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