Bigfoot killer NIC: Does this prove that Newegg ratings are useless?

I saw that this morning too. I don't know but it certainly looks like it came out of a marketing department somewhere.
OMG what a fricking joke :rolleyes:

OMG my life is soo much better now. People hate me now because of my low ping. My car is shinier, my grass is now greener. Even the wife smiles a little bit more now. We get in less arguments too, my kids are doing better in school, all because of this card. Go buy one now! :rolleyes:

I think it's all the people at Bigfoot writing reviews for their product :D . In general Newegg reviews are pointless and seem to be written by 12 year olds.
FYI, newegg deletes overtly negative reviews. In other words yes, newegg reviews are indeed worthless.
Even if this technology is the 2nd coming of networking, it's still likely too late. Why is it PCI when multiple PCI slots are becoming more and more scarce on the higher end Mobo's (both in the same target audience)?

So now hardcore gamers have to decide whether or not their X-FI, PPU, or Killer Nic get left out of a board with 2 PCI slots. Yet all 3 PCI-express slots sit open. Seems stupid to me. ($280 for the card notwithstanding)

Schizo yeah they will delete reviews that are derogatory in nature. However if you post up a negative review with facts to back it up and are somewhat respectful they'll leave it alone.
Newegg reviews are for the most part pretty worthless, you have to wade through junk to find anything remotely usefull. I was looking at reviews for a few things a while back, and found a lot of reviews that the person had intended to leave for a different product, and reviews where the person was using hearsay to review something. It would be a lot nicer if they would only let you review items that you have purchased to avoid those who are contributing nothing usefull.

And half those reviews look pretty professional, the other half look like a few people who did buy the card and are experiencing a placebo effect as to not feel like a idiot for dropping that kind of cash on a card nowadays.
If you read the reviews, they all say they got them at some expo or bought them direct from the manufacturer, not newegg.

With that said, yes, always take reviews with a grain of salt. Still, they look legit.
newegg comment said:
Great Gift for a Girl

Pros: Faster gaming. Lower pings. Easy to install. User friendly. Looks neat too!

Cons: Lengthy install, it is easy though. Not a lot of those little programs yet.

Other Thoughts: My husband bought me one of these after I started complaining about the framerates I was getting when I was playing WoW, D&D and CoH. This thing is better than any silly necklace or flowers he could have gotten me. I love this thing! All gaming is better with it. Now, make more programs for it!!!

I smell viral marketing >_>
After looking a bit more I see two red flags.

How can this card get you a negative ping? Your actions now occure before you actually do them? Am I reading this correctly?

2. The newegg page mentions that you can download "FNA apps" at
Ok sounds like a neat feature. I go to the same sort of comment along with a hyperlink that directs me back to the page I am already at. Those newegg "reviewers" were spot on. Not many "FNA apps" exist >_>

Honestly the FNA apps interest me. If I could see some examples it might make this worth buying down the line. However, all I see is a viral marketing campaign that relys on people not actually looking into any of the features of this product.
"This card made everone hate me

Pros: Lets see here.... It reduced a satellite internet's ping. How many products can do that?"

I expect your ridiculous bullshit made everyone hate you. Did you write that review Xyphox?

Reduced satellite pings. Yeah, the integrity of NewEgg reviews, if there is any, took a huge hit with that one. One of the more absurd statements I've heard this month. Reduced satellite pings? Oi. If it weren't so fuckin retarded it'd be funny.
lowers someone's ping huh? well, seeing as your fastest connection will be the slowest point on the network.....ya, the NIC alone is going to do this :rolleyes:
There are many reviews out there from various sites, one of them being IGN, and they all say the thing works and have data to back it up. In many cases they said it provided a performance boost greater than what the manufacturer is claiming.

Go to your favorite review site and see what they say about it.
ktwebb said:
"This card made everone hate me

Pros: Lets see here.... It reduced a satellite internet's ping. How many products can do that?"

I expect your ridiculous bullshit made everyone hate you. Did you write that review Xyphox?

Reduced satellite pings. Yeah, the integrity of NewEgg reviews, if there is any, took a huge hit with that one. One of the more absurd statements I've heard this month. Reduced satellite pings? Oi. If it weren't so fuckin retarded it'd be funny.

I love how he goes on to say 25ms is lagging for him. Someone does not understand the concept of satellite internet. It takes ~560ms for the radio singals to travel from a distant end and back. Complete and utter bullshit. (BTW, I know a little about satellites, my job in the Army is a Satellite Network Controller.)