Big Brother E-mail notifications...


Limp Gawd
Dec 9, 2005
I'm in the final stages of being 100% done with my Big Brother server - however, I can't seem to find much documentation out there for it. Is anybody familiar with it (I am using version 1.9i)? espescially the e-mail notificaiton portion of it? I am running it on a FC4 box. Is there a certain file I should be editing? I've brought systems down just to make sure BB notices, and it does, but it does not e-mail any notification to me. Thanks for any help.
Fint said:
The email part is in the $BBHOME/etc/bbwarnrules.cfg file

It'll be like this:

domainname-NM-003:/home/bigbro/bb/etc# grep fint *
bbwarnrules.cfg:*;;*;;*;*;[email protected]:~5
bbwarnrules.cfg:#notify-admin;;pagehelp;;*;*;[email protected]
bbwarnrules.cfg:unmatched-*;;*;;*;*;[email protected]
Yes, I have already changed that file to represent my e-mail addy. My notify-admin line is also commented out, should this be uncommented? Also, is there anything I have to do in the bbwarnsetup.cfg file? or is it all within the bbwarnrules.cfg? And just curious what the ~5 is after your first line...mine doesnt have that.

Thanks for your help.
Make sure email in general works from your machine (such as cron, etc).

I think you can leave bbwarnsetup alone.

the ~5 is a 5-minute page delay... if something goes down (red), it must be down for at least 5 minutes before it emails me.
Thanks for all your help Fint. Forgive my dumbness, but, what all needs to be setup for e-mail to work? Do I have to set FC4 as a mail server, or is that too much? I know cron is a scheduler, what does that have to do with e-mailing when a device goes down? Again, thanks for all the help. :)
Cron was just an example of another potential program that may wish to email you about things... if cron can send email, than your system is setup properly for it, that's all.

BigBrother uses (by default) /usr/bin/mail to send mail, which I believe hands the mail to a local MTA for delievery. So you'll need sendmail, exim, postfix, or something like that setup for local-delievery mode (they'll send email out that originates on the local box, but won't listen for inbound email).