BF2 - Which Gun To Unlock

Which Gun

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Feb 21, 2002
just made corporal and am wondering which gun to unlock

I already have the G3

the only other 2 kits I play besides assualt are AT and Spec Ops

so which one should it be?
Which do you use more? Spec Ops or AT? Go with the one you use the most. I have the G36, and it is very nice.
If the G3 had a gren launcher, it would be the best weapon in the game.
i've got the medic gun now and i'm planning on getting the anti-tank gun next, i love having a rocket, but i want something better than the crap tastic smg.
The anti tank shotgun is pretty damn inaccurate. Luckily you've got 12 rounds before you have to reload, but it takes sooo long to reload before you can use it again. I've never used the pistol so much! :rolleyes:
As others have said, if you're gonna be one class or the other more often, take that weapon. THe DAO will help you waste a lot of people up close.

The G36C is more of an all around weapon.

I"m gonna be facing a similar decision myself. I already have the G3 as well.
To be honest, having played the game at a friend's, i'm happy enough with the specops/assault weapons. I'd say unlocking weapons for classes you don't normall yplay would be better, as it might tempt you into a class you'd not normally try, rather than just having squillions of specops on each team.
e.g. The AT unlock would be good, or engineer, the assault/spec-ops are good enough anyway
Hazards said:
do you still get a scope with the g36c?
Yes you do, but there is not a red dot like M4. Personally I am not a real huge fan of it, I have not unlocked a gun yet (ive been too busy to play a lot) but I am going to try and find a unclocked server to test it out further.

-Rikus bad it's a open sight...
spec ops or sniper the med gun just doesn't have enough power. G3 owns reminds me of the BAR.
spaceman said:
spec ops or sniper the med gun just doesn't have enough power. G3 owns reminds me of the BAR.

Only fitting, it's a decidedly heavier cartridge. :)
(And rifle. *shudders*)
spec ops...or the classic M95 :eek:

it pisses me off that i unlocked the M95 but dont use it anymore, i turned into a support guy, suprising, the SAW kicks serious ass, u can NEVER run out of grenades or any ammo, and you get points for dropping ammo bags on the ground.
How are you liking the G3?

I would probably want to unlock the DAO first, as I really like the class, but hate the default weapon.
Get the Anti-Tank unlock, the spec ops guns are already decent. The G36c is nice, but not needed for the class. But the Anti-Tank smgs are weak up close where you really need to get fast kills. At range the Rocket can take out infantry, and the shotgun can decimate close quarters.
Hey, just wondering something. I made corporal lastnight but I didn't notice anything letting me unlock a weapon. How does that come about?
Jeriko_Cherry said:
Get the Anti-Tank unlock, the spec ops guns are already decent. The G36c is nice, but not needed for the class. But the Anti-Tank smgs are weak up close where you really need to get fast kills. At range the Rocket can take out infantry, and the shotgun can decimate close quarters.

I agree. I unlocked the AT as well. Medium range is where I have problems taking care of enemies. The shotgun up close, and up to maybe 30 feet away is a great weapon. And the rocket far off, or on a enemy that doesnt see you is great. But fighting someone across the street sucks with AT. Not much you can do if they have a G3 or any sort of good weapon.

AT should REALLY have grenades..
Paithar said:
Hey, just wondering something. I made corporal lastnight but I didn't notice anything letting me unlock a weapon. How does that come about?
Give it time for the points to update on the servers properly. It took several hours after I got my rank before BFHQ actually unlocked the gun. It showed me as having enough points, but like medals/badges/ribbons it took time to actually show up.
That's what makes the game fun is getting the rock, paper, scissors balance where the weapons have some sort of counter. Once I began to find these counters, I didn't feel as useless versus certain weapons. Just be sure to know exactly what your weaknesses are in any given kit and don't make yourself a target. I go so far as to find those type of situations where my kit will be the most effective, or change my kit to complement my squad's weaknesses.

Personally I picked AT for the DAO and have moved down 3 players with one 12 shot magazine. Next I picked the engy autoshot, which can be effective but the reload is also very long. Both of these weapons are not effective at all at longer ranges. It has to do more with your personal style. I would have to say these are both more defense oriented weapons.
DAO-12 without a doubt. You can't play the Anti-Tank class (effectively) without it.
At long ranges I use the guided rocket and at close ranges the DAO-12.

If someone's at medium range it's very easy to get close enough to kill them before they kill you. Depending on where you are you can either trick them into coming closer (by hiding or fake running away) or just sprint straight towards them while spraying them with bullets. The DAO-12 is so powerful they'll be dead before you (most of the time).

Just learn how to be sneaky and tricky. You'll be happy the next time you turn a corner and there's a group of 3 or 4 enemies right in front of you and you drop them all before they know what hit em.