BF2 "Commander"


Jun 17, 2005
Yep another BF2 thread....but hey thats what forums are for.

When in Commander mode, I know that when a squad leader requests supplies a flashing circle shows up on the map. However, when one unassigned player asks for a supply drop I have a hard time finding him to help (ignore the fact that people should be in SQUADS!). So if an individual player asks for a supply...does there dot representation on the map flash or something?
You should just command him to join a squad. :p Tell him he'll get his supplies then. Heck, if he forms his own squad he can talk to you personally.
I'm the Dude said:
You should just command him to join a squad. :p Tell him he'll get his supplies then. Heck, if he forms his own squad he can talk to you personally.

I hear ya. Well the problem with that is, you get one dude voting for a mutiny and whether or not you are winning, people will almost always vote yes.
Yeah, but I've never seen a mutiny succeed ever because there's too many guys who haven't joined a squad to vote! It always ends saying not enough votes. So I wouldn't sweat it.
The solo guys dot should flash as well when he asks for supplies. It is a pain to find him, but often check their main base first. It may be someone blowing theiry artry and uav up. I often do this and forget to join a squad. :D
zoobaby said:
The solo guys dot should flash as well when he asks for supplies. It is a pain to find him, but often check their main base first. It may be someone blowing theiry artry and uav up. I often do this and forget to join a squad. :D

I really appreciate the spec ops who this when I'm commanding, too many kids are too happy camping around with C4 for the tanks to come to their pre-made trap.
Dont ever drop stuff for people not in a squad. Its a waste to drop supplies for one guy, who isn't a team player and is just going to get pwned by an opposing squad. There are so many idiots in the game, which makes it much harder then it should be.
zoobaby said:
The solo guys dot should flash as well when he asks for supplies. It is a pain to find him, but often check their main base first. It may be someone blowing theiry artry and uav up. I often do this and forget to join a squad. :D
Hah yeah, its a blast do C4 the enemy artillery but it sucks that you don't have the 2 C4 required to blow anything else up... like the radar.

aranaxon said:
I really appreciate the spec ops who this when I'm commanding, too many kids are too happy camping around with C4 for the tanks to come to their pre-made trap.
I don't understand why people do this, they watch and hit the detonation when a tank goes over it. In my experience, the C4 detinates when something does over it anyway, so there is no reason to wait and hit the trigger (correct me if I'm wrong). When I'm at the enemy base I put C4 in front of their jets and sometimes I see them dying later... although it is so much fun to put C4 on the planes and watch them take off and then blow them out of the sky, lmao
bonkrowave said:
Dont ever drop stuff for people not in a squad. Its a waste to drop supplies for one guy, who isn't a team player and is just going to get pwned by an opposing squad. There are so many idiots in the game, which makes it much harder then it should be.

This is the way I feel, glad I got some validation on the point. A Spec Ops guy in the enemy camp being the very rare exception.
If you put C4 on the ground and never hit the button to set it off, it will just timeout and dissappear
bonkrowave said:
Dont ever drop stuff for people not in a squad. Its a waste to drop supplies for one guy, who isn't a team player and is just going to get pwned by an opposing squad. There are so many idiots in the game, which makes it much harder then it should be.

I have mixed feelings on this, I sometimes do not join a squad in game. Just depends, most squad leaders are worthless anyway (myself included - still learning though).

A non-squad spec ops can reak havoc if supplies are placed in a good spot for him. Hell most players do not ask for supplies anyway. Why waste them on a spot where they may or may not be used. Drop them where someone is ASKING for them.
If you are going to have a single spec ops wreak havoc, he should still be in a squad, just he is the only one in that squad. That way the commander can track him correctly and can issue orders. If he is not in a squad he is a just canon fodder.
He's a lot easier for friendly's to see on the map too. Instead of a little blue speck, and nice big green number. Good point.

Just fricken' squad up people!
ok so the easy way is to start your own squad then you can request with those big "DROP HERE ------->" markers

of course commanders dont always listen to squad leaders either. My squad took over the a main last night but could never get a drop to finish the job. noob commanders can be worse than none.

points for arty kills? I get them, are you sure you hit something?

a good commander can easily be the leading scorer on a map
Keep a support guy and medic in your squad at all times if your commander is either too stupid or non existant to drop supplies.
For the longest time, when I was a squad leader I would attempt to tell my team where to attack / defend myself by looking at a control point from across the map and using the tactical menu. Then I just realized I can request orders from the commander, and when I accept those, it forwards the command to my soldiers.

Kinda sucks when your Commander wants you to go defend a pointless control point on the edge of the map, though.
weebling1 said:
points for arty kills? I get them, are you sure you hit something?
a good commander can easily be the leading scorer on a map
Yup. I was killing the enemy w/arty and when I checked my score it didn't go up and I didn't TK. Weird b/c it should... maybe bc i was on a smaller server? i dont know... BF2 hates me.
Anyone noticed and played around with those Commander options that let you recommend squads for awards and such? It appears that you can get awards of some types directly from the commander....

I ask because I have only done the job once.
bonkrowave said:
If you are going to have a single spec ops wreak havoc, he should still be in a squad, just he is the only one in that squad. That way the commander can track him correctly and can issue orders. If he is not in a squad he is a just canon fodder.

Good point. Will do that in the future. Thanks for the advice!
finalgt said:
For the longest time, when I was a squad leader I would attempt to tell my team where to attack / defend myself by looking at a control point from across the map and using the tactical menu. Then I just realized I can request orders from the commander, and when I accept those, it forwards the command to my soldiers.

Kinda sucks when your Commander wants you to go defend a pointless control point on the edge of the map, though.
Hold down T, and you can also send orders to your squad as well as requests from the commander. Not as good as using the overhead map...but more convenient.
I know, that's what I was talking about. However, you have to be looking at the exact point that you want your squad to attack / defend...usually this results in commanding my squad to attack the side of a mountain overlooking a flag.
bonkrowave said:
Dont ever drop stuff for people not in a squad. Its a waste to drop supplies for one guy, who isn't a team player and is just going to get pwned by an opposing squad. There are so many idiots in the game, which makes it much harder then it should be.

While I can see that dropping supplies for one person is kind of a waste, just because a person isn't in a squad doesn't make him useless. I've never joined a squad, yet im always a team player and rarely get "pwned" by an opposing squad. Im usually one of the top 3 players on a server.

What bugs me most is when you have a moron for a commander that isn't doing anything, but when you try to vote him out, no one seems to care.

The best rounds that i've played are when you have a great commander. It sure makes winning a lot easier.
Last game I played, the commander apparently thought he could destroy enemy arty's with his own artys. So while my requests for supplies drops in the enemy's base are ignored, wave after wave or artillery were dropping uselessly on their arty, when I was only 1 c4 short of destroying it for him.....

pigwalk said:
Last game I played, the commander apparently thought he could destroy enemy arty's with his own artys. So while my requests for supplies drops in the enemy's base are ignored, wave after wave or artillery were dropping uselessly on their arty, when I was only 1 c4 short of destroying it for him.....


YOu tried typing a message to him I hope? That's funny though, too.
...and are you sure it was your arty? Some commanders get very irate when you start sneaking around their big guns. Pounding the heck outta the area can be effective (but desperate) anti Spec Ops.

I like destroying most, leaving 1 damaged, then when the enemy commander drops a supply box to fix them reload my C4 and finish the job :D
Weebling, I so love doing that too, usually the crate gets destroyed with the guns.
weebling1 said:
...and are you sure it was your arty? Some commanders get very irate when you start sneaking around their big guns. Pounding the heck outta the area can be effective (but desperate) anti Spec Ops.

Yep it was my commander. After I typed to him about 3 times, repeating the same thing over and over again (ARTY CAN'T F#@KIN DESTROY ARTY!) he apparently found the type key and told me "Really? Sorry, I'm a noob". Lol, at least he was gracious enough to admit it.

Sometimes when I'm commander and I see red dots converging on my arty and no greens around I'll drop a load en em right away. However, the most satisfying thing is to zoom in nice and close and kill the enemy spec ops guy with one of YOUR supply crate while he's waiting around for HIS supply crate :D

One thing I did not like, I was commander and brought my team back from the brink of failure. We were no in the lead with all the spawns and me at the top of the ranks. Since this server had auto teambalance on it takes the top guy and throws him to other side. Well that was me...the commander, it auto switched the fucking commander. I could not believe that, now I had to go up against my own tactics(so to speak) and recapture everything. Needless to say we won (my new team), but i felt bad for having to leave my old team. I abandoned them and they payed for it. :(

Only complaint I have about commander is that if some noobs on your team stay in the range of your artillery and get killed by it it's your fault and you get kicked. That's BS, I even tell people to move, but obviously them and their -29 scores are allowed to kick me.
pigwalk said:
Last game I played, the commander apparently thought he could destroy enemy arty's with his own artys.

Could be because that's one of the explicit tips in the manual section on being a commander. :-\
pigwalk said:
Yep it was my commander. After I typed to him about 3 times, repeating the same thing over and over again (ARTY CAN'T F#@KIN DESTROY ARTY!) he apparently found the type key and told me "Really? Sorry, I'm a noob". Lol, at least he was gracious enough to admit it.

Arty can destroy Arty. Seen it before. A tank can also destroy Arty, done 4 times now. If it is destroyable, it will sustain damage and therefore be subject to damage and destruction by arty.
ok! details please zoobaby, dont just tease us like that. # of hits from tank to destroy an Arty gun = ?
Last night some idiot squad leader kept ignoring my commands.

Then he started begging for a supply drop. I told him to F-off. If he wasn't going to help me, why should I help him?

He started a vote for mutiny but only like 3 people voted.

In general I will only drop supplies for non-squad members if
1. There are a bunch of people around him.
2. Nothing is really happening right now (i.e. no one else is going to need ammo soon)
ScubaSteve said:
Last night some idiot squad leader kept ignoring my commands.

Then he started begging for a supply drop. I told him to F-off. If he wasn't going to help me, why should I help him?

He started a vote for mutiny but only like 3 people voted.

In general I will only drop supplies for non-squad members if
1. There are a bunch of people around him.
2. Nothing is really happening right now (i.e. no one else is going to need ammo soon)
Yeah, this is too common.

They want you to share intel with them sometimes, but they won't bother with your orders. The only way to "punish" them really (cuz honestly, simply calling them names with that rebuke/debuke wtfe thing is just useless) is to ignore their commands... unless what they are doing is important.

I'd say maybe commanders should be able to penalize them through the voice system in a way that reflects on their stats for the game if they ignore an order a certain amount of times... but that would be abused.

Maybe kicking squad leaders down the ranks and booting the next guy down into squad leader might work, but likely have as little real effect. Some people just seem to play to lone wolf it, they just wanna be able to let their friends spawn where they are.

As usual, Teamplay will own anything else, but it never seems to be used. Seems like loners just run out for flags and then a couple loners go to get it back... squads never seem to stay together to do such things. Its the same old mess.

Be nice if there was a form of conquest where you had to follow an order of flagtaking instead of all at once, force people to actually fight together for one objective.
The problem is a squad tries to stay together, but then one dies, the others roll on. The guy wants to spawn back in, but if he does he's gonna get shot, for example. Better to just spawn way back where the tanks are. So even squads that wanna stay together will get split up sometimes.

Heck that's what happened to me. Every time I spawned with the squad leader he'd get his vehicle blown up, or whatever. I just decided to spawn elsewhere and get my own tank.
weebling1 said:
ok! details please zoobaby, dont just tease us like that. # of hits from tank to destroy an Arty gun = ?

About 25 to 30 hits with a tank will take out one ARTY. I resort to this if we own the spawn point and the commander doesn't drop me supplies. Did it twice more last night.
note to commanders: trees deflect arty
(had to do it twice 'cuz i couldn't believe what i was seeing :( )