Better performance on an X2?


Aug 21, 2004
I know this maybe should belong in the Motherboard forum, but its kinda related here too.

So i got an Asus A8N-SLI deluxe today and now i found out that you need a BIOS update to use an X2 processor. Now im wondering if i should return the Deluxe and go for the Premium instead. Does anyone know if there is a performance boost on the Premium over the Deluxe or should i just stick with the one i got ( i already have the replacement fan for it =) ) .
most boards will need a bios update to run a X2, and there shouldn't be any performance difference between the two boards in the same line.
I think the premium lets you run 2x1gb ram @ 1t....about the only difference other than the fancy schmancy heatpipe. And the bios update is easy. Just run the asus update program, and click next a few times :D
I find it hard to believe that both boards sharing the same chipset don't have the same exact specs on memory timings. Do you have a link to the 1t 2gb vs. 2t 2gb difference? I'm pretty sure any NF4 can do 2x1gb@1t.
No links, just my own experience. Running 2-2-2-5 1t (and a myriad of other timings)would cause me random lockups in games.....went to 2t and not a single hiccup yet. Also tried corsair xms and had the same thing. Ram runs flawlessly at 1t in my neo2 plat.....dunno, but I thought I'd seen a few others experience this with the deluxe board also.
yep, premium lets you run 2gb memory at 1T, also lets you crank up the htt as high as it can go, unlike the 240mhz wall that the deluxe hits. Also the addition of being able to switch from sli to single gpu within windows is nice sometimes. It was well worth it to upgrade to me :)
Makave7i Tha Don said:
yep, premium lets you run 2gb memory at 1T, also lets you crank up the htt as high as it can go, unlike the 240mhz wall that the deluxe hits.

I had 375htt with 3x multi stable, never tried going higher since it's pointless for my setup.
mikelz85 said:
sounds more like the deluxe has a flaw than the premium has a feature.

Lol....I couldn't have said it better myself

Makave7i Tha Don said:
Also the addition of being able to switch from sli to single gpu within windows is nice sometimes.

Since the dongle is right above the 2nd pcie slot, it was painless to flip it before I installed the 2nd vid card. I can't think of any reason to disable sli, as all the games I play, play nice with it now.
if this is any concern, i believe the premium has lower temps due to the heatsink on the chipset.
The temps might not even be lower, but even if they were, it really doesn't affect OC'ing. The main benefit I see is the low noise (or no noise) of passive cooling.