Better OS for a game server

Jan 21, 2004
Hey, I have to choose between these OSs to run my game server

Windows 2k3 Web
Redhat Fedora

Basically, which would be easier to learn? I am very adept at all versions of windows, however, extremely noobish when it comes to linux.

if you know windows (or claim to), and don't know linux, and you want to put up a mission critical server, the choice seems pretty obvious to me..
I'll agree, I'd set up the W2K3 Server and then go find a copy of CO-Linux which is Linux inside of Windows. It's not as fancy as VMWare but it's REEEEALY clean working, plus there's a Distro of Fedora. Is that what you meant, cause the standard Linux Distro is just called Redhat isn't it? Fedora is the CO-Linux release.

I'm still learning on the Linux side obviously.
good job confusing him :)

Fedora Core 1, 2, and 3 are the user-intended releases of redhat. They are what replaced redhat 8.0, 9.0 etc, that weren't intended for full company server installs (people that paid for tech support direct from redhat).

So there is fedora core for the users and small-ish servers, and red hat enterprise linux for large companies willing to pay $$ for good tech support and 99% perfect systems.

None of the redhat released stuff mentioned above runs inside windows (and most distros that do aren't the best learning tools).

If you want to learn linux, great. It's a valuable tool, especially if you plan on doing adminning at a later time in your life. If you want a serverup right now and you don't want to learn stuff about linux, then get the win2k server.
Yeah I felt as though I was digging a hole on that one. Obviously my Linux Lingo is pretty newb... I just know what he'd "like" to do because I've been there before... Thanks for clearing up my mess :)