Best way to set up a wireless solution for a small coffee shop?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 9, 2002
The owner wants to set up FREE wireless for his customers. He doesn't really care about passer-by's using his Internet. He only will have a cable/DSL connection, so it'll just be a free perk for people, not something where he would offer QUALITY T3 connection, although believe me... I tried to talk him into it :D

What do you guys think I would need, in terms of router and WAP and other security features?

just buy a WRT54G from linksys and hook it up. name the SSID to the cofee shop and you;re good to go
Will the coffee shop's own office computers be hooked up? If not, the above solution seems like the best.

A side thought - you might want to try putting on some filters - you wouldnt want peeps be downloading gigs of pr0n.
RavinDJ said:
not something where he would offer QUALITY T3 connection, although believe me... I tried to talk him into it :D


If you had actually managed to talk him into a T3, I would of kicked you both in the nuts. That is overkill for a coffee shop. A good DSL connection is all they would need.

As far as how to do it, as long as there isn't any security needed, this has already been answered.