best use for a poweredge 2950 I


Limp Gawd
Aug 3, 2005
hey all.

just got a 2950 mk1 poweredge.

has dual 5130 cpu's and 2 gb ram (might be more ram, need to check but its raining hard here and I left it in car for the night)

has a perc 5i with battery backup and 4 sas/satau trays with room for 2 more. (no sas drives)

I was thinking about running maybe a file server on it, unraid or freenas or the likes, but what ya all think I should do with it?

I got 6 2tb sata drives I can drop in it, I can also run multiply variations of other drives if I dont use it for storage. if i use the 6x2tb drives tho it will have to become my full time file server so not sure on that one yet ( why I was thinking unraid so I could slowly migrate drives to it and increase the storage.)

on a side note, I also acquired a Cisco 2621 with the dual lan ports and a t1 card in it. what can be done with that?
2 more things,

1, it might actully be a mk2, its bloody hard to tell but the board p# is DT021 which seems to be a mk2.

2, also. sorry but I posted in wrong sub forum by mistake. please forgive me :)


edit 3 things...

3, I could buy 2 l5335 and max the ram and make it an esxi test bed maybe ? might be better then my current esxi box ? at least a better performing one what with having the perc for local storage.
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Space heater?

I know you don't want to see a server go to waste but a low end machine these days would smoke it and it'd be expensive (and loud) to fill with HD's. 7 year old CPU in those things.
I have a 2950 plus three 1950II 's I intended to turn into a vsphere lab. Problem is they're damn loud, put out a ton of heat and are horribly inefficient by today's standards. I even tried dropping them to a single CPU and it didn't help a ton. I have a X3440 xeon whitebox server I'm running a nested vsphere lab that's working pretty well. ~100watts with 15 running VMs. Each Dell pulled 200-300 watts, and that was running diskless in the 1950s. Going to toss the Dells when I get around to it.
I recently set up a T420 and couldn't believe how quiet it was compared to my desktop, let alone a 2900.

ya its old. hehe.

maybe it will be my winter dual use test bed. :) heater / raid learning tool or something.

just kinda blows... all the stuff in it adds up in price for a new pc. dual psu's, perc5i ( i know cheap..ish) hotswap drives.
it doesn't really add-up when you spec out current hardware and how much faster it is compared to it.

Old hardware is still expensive as many people / companies don't or wont upgraded so they need to buy spare parts to replace their's for old crap, perfect example why DDR2 is so dam expensive..

People cling to the past and Managers wont accept buying new hardware every 3-4 years is cheaper than trying to maintain old crap
meh, I still use a 2900 as a file server, its not terrible compared to newer hardware (most of the power draw is the hard drives) and perfectly capable