Best upconverting dvd player for the $$?


Sep 22, 2006
What's a good upconverting player in the ~$100 range, if any? 1080p capability desired. Not that concerned with hddvd/blu-ray right now. Just got the TV, now I'm looking to upgrade my other equipment.

Side note for future consideration:
how well does the ps3 video processor pull off dvd upconvert?

samsung has a nice upconverting dvd player and well as lg, i think either would be great.

and if i am not mistaken the ps3 uses a blue ray drive not a a standard dvd rom so u would get full 1080p hd content.
PS3's upconverting is great, I use it as my dvd player. The toshiba upconverter I had has been given away.
hrm, almost sounds like ps3 might be my best bet save the $$ on another player; plus consolidate my electronics a bit. friend offered me his for $300, might be worth just killing 2 birds with one stone; bluray + upconvert at the same time.

There's no real differences in terms of disc drive between the ps3 models, right? Also, for ps3 owners, was reading that ps3's have some issues playing dvd-r's - any real truth to that?
All computers do upscaling of video when you full screen it. It probably does it better than 90% of your 'upscale dvd players' on the market. Plus you always have the option of FFDshow settings to tweak to make it look 'better'. I say better in quotes because DVD is only 720x480 and can only look so good. Upscaling doesn't work any magic, it just makes it more tolerable on a larger screen by not having as much macroblocking or artifacting.