Best standalone Backup Software for windows


Mar 9, 2003
I was wondering if anybody knows of a good program that will create a disk image of a hard drive. The machine that I am wanting to create a backup of is running windows nt 4.0. It is a computer at my work that watches over our whole town and before the hard drive fails someday I would like to try and create a good backup of it on a daily basis. I found a pretty decent one called snapshot and it works pretty decent and its a nice standalone exe file so I dont have to install any additional files. I was wondering if anybody knows of a good freeware program that is standalone and doesnt need to be installed to the system. If anybody knows of one please let me know, thanks!!

question is can this system go offline to have an image made or no?

when you say it watches over town can you be more specific?
Another option to consider is virtualizing that machine, and running the VM on newer hardware.
If this is something that "watches over the whole town" perhaps spend a few bucks to A: Upgrade to current hardware and software and B: stop skimping on back-up solutions.