Best solution for this situ


Jan 29, 2009
I have a router with some clients connected to that.
Another place I have a VPS with internet access.
VPS and Router are connected physically by an intranet.

Now, What's the best solution (IPIP, PPTP, GRE, routing) to connect the router to VPS so that clients get access to the Internet.
1- Speed is the first priority (latency and throughput)
2- Support all usual protocols of Internet for clients.
3- Clients IP should not change to VPS IP when accessing a website.
Can we get a diagram?

Are you connecting the router to the physical server that the Virtual Private Server is on?

It sounds like physically you don't have this setup quite right, or you don't have the right hardware to do what you want to do or you are unfamiliar with how some terms are used. Or I might not be understanding your setup.
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