Best memory for overclocking a 170


Dec 4, 2005
I am going to be building a new computer soon, and I have all the parts sorted out except for the memory.

I am going to build an overclocking rig around an opteron 170, and a DFI Lanparty UT NF4 SLI-DR Expert. The processor and core logic are goign to be watercooled, so I am trying to find a memory thats not going to bottleneck me. I am looking for 2 GB of ram.

I have been out of the memory scene for a long time, and dont know if 3200 is steal the best as far as low timings and overclocking goes.

So, anyone have any advice on a good 2GB set of overclockable ram, with low timings (proabibly in the PC-3200 flavor)?
unless you want to use a divider, i suggest grabbing some PC4000. OCZ, Gskill, Ballistix, doesnt matter much as they are all top notch..
You can also try high clocking chips like TCCD, TCC5, BH-5, UTTCH/BH and others...
Dillusion said:
You can also try high clocking chips like TCCD, TCC5, BH-5, UTTCH/BH and others...
NONE of those will work in 1gb sticks.. and besided, UTT is hardly high clocking ;)

wolf, you basically have two options.. save money and go for a pc3200 stick, might not get over 250mhz, or spend more money and get a pc4000 stick.. but you probably won't hit 300mhz, unless you buy some ballistix and get lucky ;)
We have some modules that do pretty well in 1GB sizes. Our TWINX2048-4000PT modules use the Samsung UCCC chips, and some of them do well over the 250 they're rated at.

If you're a fan of latency I recommend the TWINX2048-3500LL modules, which use Infineon ICs and run by default at 219 mhz at 2-3-2-6, but if the latencies are relaxed, they're considerably faster.
Redbeard said:
We have some modules that do pretty well in 1GB sizes. Our TWINX2048-4000PT modules use the Samsung UCCC chips, and some of them do well over the 250 they're rated at.

If you're a fan of latency I recommend the TWINX2048-3500LL modules, which use Infineon ICs and run by default at 219 mhz at 2-3-2-6, but if the latencies are relaxed, they're considerably faster.

The Infineon ones sound like the same chips going into the OCZ Platinum EB's and the Mushkin PC4000 Redlines. Both are Infineon and both are rated 250 3-3-2-8. Mine will run in the upper 260's before it craps out at around 270 or so a 3-3-2-7. They do not get any better if you loosed the timings or change volts either...
(cf)Eclipse said:
i've seen a review on that stuff from a friend of mine. while pricy, it clocks quite well ;)

Yeah, we've gotten them a bit higher than that, even. I wish they responded to voltage like some of hte BH/CH winbond stuff did, but with all the RMAs and failures people are starting to see on the ultra high-voltage parts right now, maybe it's best they don't.
Budwise said:
The Infineon ones sound like the same chips going into the OCZ Platinum EB's and the Mushkin PC4000 Redlines. Both are Infineon and both are rated 250 3-3-2-8. Mine will run in the upper 260's before it craps out at around 270 or so a 3-3-2-7. They do not get any better if you loosed the timings or change volts either...

Infineon revC and revB ICs are similar except that the revC has a much better high end. They both work well at low latency (2-3-2) but the revC typically goes up above 260-270 more reliably than the revB will.

Infineon has had some yield problems, though, from what I've heard.

We can't keep the 3500LLs in stock, we're selling them as fast as we're making them right now, very popular module, the first real low latency part in 1GB sticks and they're guaranteed to 219, so I can't blame people I guess.
Price for me isnt really that much of an problem here. I have set a price point of 3000 on my new rig, and so far I still have about 600 $ worth of headroom in there. So really, I dont care what the price, I sjut want fast, and overclockable. This is going to proabibly be my rig for the next 3 and a half years in college, and I dont think I will have money inbetween to upgrade any of the stuff.

So would most of you agree with the corsair rep then that the TWINX2048-4000PT is a good buy? or is there something else out there thats going to do better, that I have a chance of getting.

And a bit of an off topic question, could someone enlighten me about how the speed of the memory correlates with the Hyper Transport bus on the 64's? Is it similar to the 'quad pumped' channels of the older P4's?
Redbeard said:
Infineon has had some yield problems, though, from what I've heard.
i've heard the same too. i know ocz and mushkin are having a hell of a time keeping their 3-3-2, 250mhz parts in stock. i have a feeling yields will go back up soon though ;)

wolf.. same stuff, different company, a lot cheaper (sorry redbeard :p)

as for the speed of the ram vs base clock.. have a look at this:
So basically what I can infer from what everyone is saying here is buy the faster chips, with the higer CAS, to give me the ability to get a higher HTT speed? Then if the processor can handle any more, mess with the multi and htt to get to the sweet spot?
basically yeah. i value flexibility over other things, like tighter timings, as it just generally makes the overclock easier to tweak for :D