Best HDCP compliant drivers for 4890 on XP?


Mar 2, 2007
Hey ya'll,

I finally get to use the system that I built the summer before last summer....ugh. Gotta love it when you buy top of the line hardware in 2009(best rig I've ever built) and don't really burn it in until 2011.

I can't afford a 6970 and thankfully my card doesn't suck by todays standards.

So....I'm running an XFX XXX 4890 under XP 32bit. CCC says it's Catalyst version 9.12. From some research most gurus seem to feel these are the best drivers for my currnet setup but.....

Power DVD shows that all of my Gear is Blu-ray ok cept for my VGA Drivers. FYI, I'm not running any of the 9.12 Hotfixes that I've seen in my limited research.

What do ya'll think I should try?

Genuine and Humble Thanks in Advance!:D
Why wouldn't you run the latest drivers (11.2)? You don't need to run old drivers just because you have an "old" card.

I'm running the latest drivers with my 2x 4870x2 cards without any issues, though I am on Win7 64-bit.