best games of all time (PC)


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 30, 2001
I was just perusing the net when I came across some best games of all time, so I was inspired to make this thread. What're yours? DOOM, Quake I, and Duke Nukem 3d cannot be mentioned because I just feel like too many people would pick those.

Mine would be the Myth series (I and II; III not so much) and Rune (before the shit pile that was Halls of Valhalla).

Myth series...never have I played an RTS game so much just trying to get the most number of units to survive a battle; they gain XP and levels depending on how many kills they get. Levels give them a better chance to hit, dodge, etc. Terrain also played a big deal as did weather. The game had a very advanced physics engine which also calculated a chance to hit or miss. Archers and ranged units had longer range if they were higher elevated. Still, longer range, meant missle trajectory time was longer; you could move your units out of the way and not get hit. That didn't happen to much because battles would get quite frantic, but you could do it. There's also the hit or miss thing, which all units experience. Again, higher levels means your chance to hit goes up. Then there's the weather. Grenades would have a chance not to explode in the rain. Satchel charges had a chance of not exploding due to the snow they were planted in. Finally, the units. Never was there just one unit that could take out any was all how the player used them. A grenade from a dwarve could wipe out entire fleets if the unit placement was poor (all clustered together making for easy pickings, which is why the game had so many different unit formations). However, that dwarve by himself was very easy to kill; he was slow to get away and sucked in melee to throw a grenade, you'd have to be in range in the first place. Even elevated, dwarves couldn't throw so far since they have short arms. The grenades would go so far and then bounce down the hills and many times, explode before getting to the intended target.

Rune was the only game I ever clanned in. I loved it so much and was quite good at it. It was a third person action game set in viking times. Melee combat was the best. You actually had to time swings to kill people or dismember them, effectively making them lame (if you cut off their fighting arm). You could throw weapons that could one-shot them as well if you threw one of the big weapons. This required a lot of skill since range was so short and you could easily dodge. Movement was realistic too. Backtracking made the character move slower. The newer patches killed that and made all movement in all directions the same speed; that was the reason I quit the game. There are still a few dedicated players out there, and there are talks of a Rune II.

Anyway, enough of my all time faves. What're yours?
I spent more time in Darklands than any other game, ever. No game has ever interested me as much as that game did.
I think that would be Settlers... first and second part. I spent sooo many hours playing them. Do you guys remember music from all those parts? Brilliant:) Sometimes played one mission for 12-15 hours in second part, to build up huge army.. Incredible game.. unforgetable times...
Well, I'm mostly a Golden Age of RPGs era person (1985-1995). I would say that Ultima 7 is my pick for best game ever. It's still widely used as the benchmark for RPGs and a game that I along with many many others still play regularly up to this day.
I have a favorite game for the Sega Genesis/MegaDrive (Shining Force II), but since this is for PC, here are my favorites:

1. Alpha Centauri
2. Age of Empires 1
3. Age of Empires 2
4. Pro Cycling Manager
4. Starcraft
5. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II

I've never got so addicted into a game as I did with Firaxis' Alpha Centauri. Sid Meyer rules. It's a turn strategy game released in 1999:)
...none of the titles I chose were PC titles, with the exception of Wipeout.

Wipeout and Wipeout XL (2097) were released for PC... so it still stands.
as i've only really JUST started gaming on pc with any consistency i'd say it would have to be cod4. since i switched from 360 to pc i've played for over 100 hours in a little over a month. oblivion has really started to suck me in too....these really aren't even pc exclusives....hehe. oh well.
Call of duty: United offensive

Games i love, cod uo was one of the first games i played when i started gaming a good time ago, and still play it and love the game, makes cod4/5 multi look like childs play. As for crysis, well the original anyways, i love it, the gameplay, graphics, and everything going on, ingulps you in the game and i cant stop playing until my pc overheats and have to open the sidewindow after 5 hours of gameplay. i love it
this is a hard one
Just to name some of my all time fav's
Ultima Online
Red Baron

There are so many, but these are off the top off my head.
Diablo 2
Half life

Probably forgetting a few...
Planescape: Torment
System Shock 2
Tribes 2
Baldurs Gate 2
Command and Conquer
Star Control 2
My top games list:

Age of Empires, Age of Empire 2 + The Conquerors Expansion
Warcraft 3: DOTA
Counter-Strike (original, not source)
Unreal Tournament 2003
Lots to name and no order

Ancients 1: Deathwatch, Starsiege: Tribes, Eric The Unready, Grim Fandango, Everquest (2), Albion, Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny, Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Hexen, Heretic, Monkey Island series, Microman, Ski Free, Chips Challenge, Kings Quest series, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Ultima 9, Battlefield 2142, Postal 2: Share The Pain (online play only), Call of Duty 4, Creatures 2, Team Fortress 2, Worms Armageddon, GTA: San Andress, Shadow Warrior, American McGee's Alice, Rollercoster Tycoon, Gothic 2, Titan Quest, The Settlers 2, Half Life 1 & 2, Max Payne, Myst series, Stonekeep, Unreal and Unreal Tournament series, Spellcasting series, Companions of Xanth, Superhero League of Hoboken, Day of the Tentacle, Loom, Hoover, Rodent's Revenge, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Might and Magic 6, Guild Wars, Bad Mojo, Mysterious Island, Black & White, Sim City 3000, Painkiller, Worms 3D, Arx Fatalis, Left 4 Dead, Fallout 3, Spellforce 2, The Witcher, Dark Messiah: Might and Magic, System Shock 2, Gateway 1 & 2
Ocarina of Time. The defining action adventure title. Too bad it wasn't M rated. That's my only gripe.

Sorry. Guess its not a PC game. For PC I would say Quake 3 Arena. I played that game the longest.
The Oregon Trail...duh.
Really though, counter strike (before source), sim city (until I learned about cheat codes :/), and the rest are on console so I will leave that for another thread. You bringing up this thread makes me wonder what games from today, TF2, L4D, Crysis, CoD (series), RPGs (to many to list), etc., will last in our minds.
Doom series before 2000
Quake series before 2000
Rise of the Triads
Duke Nukem
Master of Orion series
Mechwarrior 2
Flight Unlimited
Destruction Derby series
KoToR series (but fuck the new MMO...that's crap)
Blade of Darkness
Splinter Cell (original)
Rainbow Six (up to Raven Shield/Athena Sword/Iron Fist) series
Fallout 3
Half Life/HL2 / Ep 1 / Ep 2
Counterstrike Original (played form beta .3 to 1.6)
Unreal (original)
Total Annihilation
Command and Conquer (up to Tiberian Sun) series
S.T.A.L.K.E.R series
Grand Theft Auto series
Star Control II

I'd have to agree that Star Control II is easily one of the best ever produced. There was a direct storyline, but you were in complete control of your own destiny, when to attack the storypoints and where to go. Amazing gameplay.

Which is why GTA3 is probably a huge leap as well in freedom of exploration. To kill a boss with a gun, running him over, or dropping a helicopter on him, it was up to you to complete the mission they way you wanted. This is KEY to creating a well-defined universe, endless replay value, and a game of the year.

Can't forget DOOM. It defined multiplayer the way no other game did.

Lots others deserve their own space. But these three, for me, deserve nomination.
It's so cliche, but Doom's my number one. In the 13 years I've been a PC gamer, Doom still maintains its footing as the game I've spent the most time playing, and, amazingly, it's still fun.

Honorable mentions are Quake II, Thief II: The Metal Age, Fallout, Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon, Half-Life, Deus Ex, Descent II and The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, Duke Nukem 3D and Mechwarrior 2.

Best game ever made: Zelda A Link to the Past (SNES)
Best FPS overall ever made: Half Life 1
Most "fun" FPS game: Soldier of Fortune 1
Best RTS game: Starcraft
Best Stealth FPS (first person sneaker): Thief1+2
Best MOD: Counterstrike (no longer a mod since Valve purchased the rights)
Best Multiplayer FPS:Counterstrike

Also imo,

Morrowind > Oblivion
HL1 > HL2
CS1 > CS:S (though admittedly cs:s has improved a fair bit in the past couple years)
Starcraft > any other RTS, even a decade later.

So innovative it couldn't be done right again apparently. Set the ground work for online FPS's for more than just death match.
I loved some of the European games nobody has ever heard of when I lived there.

But the ones I really actually cared about and beat (I rarely beat current games, aside from MMO's) would be:

Mafia (YAY for Mafia 2!!!)
Max Payne
Max Payne 2

Right now:

I love World at War, but definitely ain't the best game ever.
LOTRO, really fun MMO, best MMO I have played
Age of Conan, IF IF IF they fixed crafting and all....