Best Benchmark

3DMark2001 is very good. I also think Quake III is a good benchmark for certain things (if you have that game).
I think if you read the first post, he mentions a general benchmarking tool(s). So 3DMark, I think, is pretty much a graphics speed test. PCMark is probably more general or Sisoft Sandra.

Also, he's asking for suggestions, not just a list of benchmark software.

I would like to hear some recommendations, also, from the folks that do this stuff regularly, I run Sisoft on occasion, but I am not sure it's in-depth enough. What do the folks on this list use to check if newly installed network drivers, disk controller drivers, usb drivers, graphics drivers etc. etc. actually improve performance? If you use several please list the ones that you use regularly (or at driver update time)

Thanks everyone for your time.

from what I get from word of mouth 3dmark03 is not any good any more because of tweaking/optimization of a few select companies cards to boost the score w/o actually being as good as you'd expect in games. aquamark seems to still be dependable though!
again for what?
desktop, workstation, server, network

the assumption is always desktop
what is much more helpful is the type of information
tel1jag just posted, of course type of rig and primary application is even better. there are LOTS of benchmarks, and while most will answer: sisoft sandra,
it leaves something to be desired, but Im not going to recommend a suite of benchmarks that arent oriented to a specific type of rig

for a general benchmark I like IOZone (which you then plot in Excel or other plotter)
since other than gaming any intensive applications the bottleneck is generally the throughput to the drives....

it will graphically illustrate the assorted caches and actual disk performance for various file sizes and transfer size, which if you know your "typical" use gives you the ability to optimize

for a server\network try IOMeter
for a graphics workstation which really needs that memory throughput try STREAM: Sustainable Memory Bandwidth in High Performance Computers

my opinion of Sandra is that while its a rudimentary benchmark suite, it doesnt really provide you with the information you need to optimize, and its just a collectin of individual benchmark anyway, NOT a general benchmark

and then there is tuning oriented towards applications, CAD, 3D, encoding, compression, video, ect
3DMark is good no more.. use Aquamark. btw... 3dmark 2001 is made for benchmarking gpus of 2001.. not 2004 lol.
Thanks for the additional information Ice Czar. To give you some of the extra data you mentioned.

I am looking for home user/desktop/gaming type benchmarks.

My rig is a P4-2.53, ASUS P4S8X (SIS 648, on board 10/100MB ethernet), 512 MB Corsair CMX512-2700C2, Radeon 9700 Pro, TB Santa Cruz sound, Western Digital 120GB-8MB cache. The DVD/CD drives are a PLEXTOR DVDR PX-708A, and a YAMAHA CRW-F1E.

Windows XP, SP1

Again, I am looking for either a single benchmark product or a couple to let me know if new drivers are really helping (performance wise) each of these, applicable, components.

I will look at the ones you posted above.

Thanks for your time, everyone.
