Best bang for around 1k


Aug 16, 2006
Was looking for some help from my fellow [H]er's. I'm looking for the best bang for around 1k. This laptop would be mainly for games, web and movie's. I own a old Dell lat c600 works good but need something I can do more on but dont want to blow alot of money on it. I thought you all would be the best people to ask about what would be a good laptop so any help with makin my choice would be great thanks alot.
Any of the Gateway P-FX series laptops. The one I have in my sig I got from Best Buy for only $1,200 so you should be able to find it cheaper used, if not new (although you might have a hard time finding it new).

It runs everything fairly well. The only bottleneck is the stock CPU, which a $200 upgrade would fix.