Best (any?) modern GUI OS for P-133 w/ 24 MB?


Sep 18, 2004
I've just been given a P-133 with 24 MB of memory, integrated 1 MB graphics, and a 2 GB disk. It's in very good condition considering it's age, so I figured I'd set it up instead of shelving it. Problem is, it's running Win95, which I avoided like the plague for it's entire tenure. I'm looking for an OS that doesn't have text-only interface and will run on this system. It has to be able to speak to a WinXP network without a lot of setup hassle and work with the most common file formats (txt, doc, jpg, avi, etc.).

Does such an OS even exist? I know that most OSes out today are scaled to run on minimum modern systems, which this system definitely doesn't qualify as, but there's got to be *one* OS out there that fits my bill, right?
You might be able to try Win98.... but it'll be dog slow.
JTY said:
You might be able to try Win98.... but it'll be dog slow.
Actually, I have used Win98 for a while on a similar system (P166, 24 MB EDO RAM, 20 GB HDD), and it was actually quite usable. I could actually run Kazaa, IE and Winamp at the same time without switching between tasks beginning to lag.

What I found curious was that Win98 was faster on this system than Win95, which was installed before.
Id have to agree that linux is the way to go if you're prepared to invest a little time. One advantage of the plethora of different distributions is that there are several designed for lower specs. And you can choose exactly what you need to install, to save those precious 2gb of HD space! samba takes care of sharing files with the windows machines. I personally have a computer of a similar spec running redhat of all things. I use wmaker cos of it's small memory footprint, but it runs kde ok.
Thanks all, I was looking for a Linux dib but the few that I know of are still too demanding for this system. I'll see about 98, my disk is around here... somewhere...

I'll try the Linux dibs mentioned but if anyone knows of anymore possible candidates, I'm in no rush so I'll give them all a try at least until I fall in love with one.