Best am2 sli mobo

Jun 25, 2006
Im looking for links or just tell me what you think the best am2 sli mobo is while on that how about best sli video card 7950 that is best for water cooling to.
only used one am2 board so far, the asus m2n-sli deluxe.. no complaints.
Hrm.. you are going to want a 590 chipset on it for true full speed SLI, because I'm pretty sure all the 570 chipsets are 16x/8x mode SLI even though they say they have (2) 16x pci-e slots. The 590's are 16x/16x. Your easy to find choices are Asus, Foxconn, and Gigabyte. There may be more 590's coming out soon, and MSI was supposed to have a good one, but it got delayed because they are trying to make it better with drivers, etc.

The major thing to do before buying is double check which memory is for sure compadible at what voltages/timings, read user reviews, and make sure it has all the connections or features you need.
w1retap said:
The major thing to do before buying is double check which memory is for sure compadible at what voltages/timings, read user reviews, and make sure it has all the connections or features you need.

That's what I've been doing in getting the AM2 board for my daughter's graduation present (yes, we waited for the price drop on CPU's ;) ). Even tho' the memory controller is on the CPU, most AM2 boards (if not all) seem to be pretty picky about the RAM that they will run with. Still don't know if I'm going with and SLi board or not - by the time she'll be able to afford a second video card she will be able to get a single card that is as fast, or faster than two of what she has one of (7600GT).

The asus 570/590 sli boards are very good. Come with decent volt options and the Foxcon is also a good option.