Best ~$500 Panel for Graphic Work between now and April(ish)?


Dec 1, 2006
I've been monitoring this form for a while, trying to glean what information that I can from the threads already posted, however, most of the information that pertains to my interests are for panels way out of my budget.

I have a budget of around $500, I'm going to be using this primarily for color critical applications (illustration, design). So I'm looking for the usual accurate color, gamma, high contrast etc. I'm probably looking at the 19-22inch range (well, as big as I can get without sacrificing quality). I DO play games, but it shouldn't factor into this decision as I should be using it for work (gotta keep reminding myself :D )...but could be used as a deciding factor between similar panels.

As of now, I was looking at the NEC 20WMGX2, HP LP2065 and the Samsung 215TW, but I was unsure of future prospects.

I can wait until March or April to upgrade (my CRT is usable..though it's dying and makes my head/eyes hurt - SyncMaster900NF if you're curious), so I was wondering if there was a better panel set to be launched within that time frame, in my budget? Most of the good stuff seems to be at 24-30 inches and $800-1500.
I'm going to bump this up for you because I want to know the same thing you do!