Best 24 inch LCD with flexible PIP


Mar 6, 2007
I was so close to buying the BenQ FP241W but then found out that PIP requires one of the inputs to be composite or S-video. Unacceptable for me.

While I wish most manufacturers were not using TN panels the biggest issue seems to be viewing angle. This is not a huge issue for me since I will be sitting in front of it using it alone. But I really want to have PIP where I can view HDMI/DVI and Component Video at the same time without overscanning issues and with good quality. My Cable Box, DVD Player and XBOX 360 all connect to a surround sound system which is my switch. I have this going to my TV via HDMI. I was thinking about using the surround sound receiver's Component Video out to connect to a 24 inch LCD monitor and then connect my PC to the monitor's HDMI/DVI. But I want to have PIP across these two. Does anyone know of any monitors that support that and don't have picture issues? If need be I could get an HDMI switch and use an HDMI or DVI to connect to the monitor.
The Gateway FHD2400 is TN, but can do PIP between component and DVI/HDMI. It cannot do PIP between DVI and HDMI (as no monitors can I believe). You also might want to make sure you can handle some backlight bleed if you go this route.
Ok, now I know what backlight bleeding is. Are there any other monitors that have PIP as I described? Gateway seems to have serious quality issues and I dont want to go there.