basic samll OC of X2 3800 and ASRock Dual Sata 2 board

Feb 12, 2006
HI, been a while posting here, but this is more for curious sake then anything else.

Last year when i first got this CPU and this board, i tried to OG it up to 2.4GHZ and used a fellow poster here's advice on waht he thought i should do , via... settings in the bios,etc..

I tried wht he said.. and had it at 2.4GHZ for about four or five hours and then it failed as per the typ. screen that pops up ... and tells you so.

Was told I might have to do some fiddling with my memory timings maybe, as even though i have vry good memory ( 1 GB of Corsair Platinum Twin X XMS.. the timings are set normal at 2-3-2-6. Was told they are very tight timings, but i always hesitiate about fiddling with those. it is cas 2.0 memory. I now have a nice artic cooler on the cpu and a stable 520 watt PSU.

I just would like to get it to a mere 2.2GHZ for starters.. as without more memory or whatnot, it may or may not work.. don't know.

Anybody have this board and similar CPU, must know waht to do. Many have gone as high as 2.6 or 2.8 GHZ, but i really do not want to go that high.. System runs perfect the ay it is..
Thanks for any replies and tech. info on this...
We are really going to need more info here.


also, divider and fsb x multi settings

I would say that possibly if you're running your ram 1:1, that you're pushing it way way out of spec with those tightass timings.