Barracuda Spam Filter White\Black lists


Limp Gawd
Jan 18, 2012
We have a group of internal users that are prevented from emailing the outside world. IE: they are only allowed to send email to users on our domain. Suddenly I'm getting requests from management to allow them to email out to a list of members at a another domain across the internet. We currently add each user to a blocked sender list when we create their domain account.

Would it work to add the 1 domain to allowed domain recipients list, and have those users be able to email to it without compromising the blacklist that prevents them from sending to the rest of the internet?

If not, is there another relatively simple way to setup the email filters to accomplish my goal?
There is a way you can do it in exchange using send connectors I believe. I forget the exact details but I will try to remember how to do it. It basically involves creating rules that allow users to send to specific addresses and anything else gets NDR'd. Trying to remember if this was for only internal mail or external as well.