Bang for the buck subwoofer recommendations?

Colonel Sanders

Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 26, 2001
My old Klipsch SW-12 bit the dust so I need to replace it. It doesn't need to be a massive sub (the Klipsch was way overkill actually) as it's in a small room, I would say 10 x 10 or so.

Anyone have any recommendations for a cheap-ish powered sub that's good for gaming and movies moreso than music?

Thanks :cool:
What's cheapish? 200? 500?

For 500, make your own. :) I built one for just under $500. Dayton 15", 500 watt amp, 5.5 cu.ft. box (for a smaller room, you can go much smaller of a sub and box). It's excellent for movies, good for music (not as musical as I like, but it's a home theater, not a music room).

BIC. Velodyne has some good ones under $500, IIRC.
I would have to be honest and say if you're after quality, no sub under $1k (at least here with the current offerings) is going to cut it. 2 subs are easier to integrate into a HT or stereo system then 1 sub.

Then there is placement and how big your room is. A good system in a poorly treated room with poor placement is never going to sound good, period.

The BIC F12 is hard to go wrong for the price (<$250 most places I've seen). Enough to fill in the lows for a room less then 7x7. Anything bigger you're either going to get another sub that are rated for 200-250watts (300watt peak) or go bigger.

Besides one Velodyne model under $500, there other lesser offerings are about equal to the SW150. IME.

If you can DIY and have the tools to fabricate the cabinet (thick MDF or wood veneer), knowledge and know-how to make the internal amp and cut off frequency and equaliser, a 12 inch Dayton woofer should integrate well but you'd be a bit over $500 by then if you go by raw parts cost + any tools.

Despite this is a budget sub, my recommendations go for SVS or HSU subs.
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I went DIY and got a stereo integrity 18inch sub, built the box to the spec's off of AVSForum , bought a rack mounted 3000 watt amp. 200 in the sub, 100 in the box , 300 in the amp. Inuke3000dsp. I'm only running 1500watts , about 1000 watts rms to the sub. Got the bigger amp in case I wanted to add a second one later :).. I'm also filling a detectaed 12x20 foot room. But if you just want to buy one Velodyne makes a great sub also for the money Outlaw audio makes a great sub can get it on sale some times for 550.
DIY is win, but VTF15h is best bang for the buck in the consumer market, especially under 1k.

I just built a sub the other day for my garage that hits pretty nice. Got lab15 off ebay for like $120.

The SI 18s are also a good value now at $160 or so a pop. inuke nu3000dsp for like $270 for an amp. Plenty of builds on the diy section of AVS.

This is the little guy I put together recently.

If you're looking for something cheaper, grab a bic f12 or two... I think amazon even has them prime.
I really like my Rythmik FV15HP :p.

It will only set you back about $1400

No, really though in a 10x10 room you do not need a crazy powerful subwoofer. Give us a price range so we can give some accurate recommendations.

Great Brands, no particular order:
I love this sub-forum... guy asks for a 1.) cheap 2.) powered 3.) small sub presumably 4.) off-the shelf and gets several suggestions for expensive, unpowered, large, DIY subs.

Anyway, I'll second some internet direct manufactures if you want a small quality sub to last, HSU, SVS, Velodyne all have budget models. The BIC F12 wasn't a bad suggestion, though if you are patient you can find some higher end subs at clearance prices... or buy second-hand. If you can swing it, two Bic F-12's placed apart will give you a nice smooth response without going to extremes for room treatment or rearranging things to position one sub in the sweet spot. They won't dig as deep as higher end subs though, which is a benefit for movies as most music doesn't really dig down deep. People will throw a fit for me suggesting it, but the Polk PSW-10 can be had for under $100 shipped and does what it was designed to do well... it will just have a roll-off around 60hz.
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For super cheap the Polk PSW10 just can't be beat. You'd be hard pressed to do much better for around $100...

If you've got around $200 (and a lot of space) the Dayton Audio Sub-1500 is pretty damn impressive.

No, these aren't $1,000+ subwoofers and no one is saying they are. It's amazing how many deep pocketed elitists come waltzing into a thread like this with their 'suggestions'.... :rolleyes:
I love this sub-forum... guy asks for a 1.) cheap 2.) powered 3.) small sub presumably 4.) off-the shelf and gets several suggestions for expensive, unpowered, large, DIY subs.

Gotta love people who don't read original posts. His only requirements were cheap, powered, good for gaming & music and for a 10 x 10 room. Not sure why you felt the need to add small and off the shelf. Since the OP didn't qualify what cheap was to him of course he got options over many price ranges as cheap is a subjective term. To me under $1,000 would be cheap for a sub and I wouldn't consider anything under $500.
For really cheap the Polk works. My Parents use one and they are happy with it.

The BIC is a good step up, and then the entry level internet direct options are your next step.

I got a good deal on a Power Sound Audio Sub that is extreme overkill but it is amazing. I still spent too much, but would do it again. Actually thinking of picking up one of the BICs or a entry SVS for a secondary system at some point.
The most common recommended Polks are rubbish IME. Unless your a midget enclosed in a 2x2 room. They don't go as low and no comment on the inconsistent quality of parts used.
A little late...but a solid sub from a well known manufacturer, cheap, and plays louder than you think....

I paired one of these with my Andrew Jones/Pioneer mains/center and I am very happy! I have a small/medium room with a Samsung 55" LED dispaly and man, this setup rocks. For 129 bucks you simply can't beat this 12" sub.
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The most common recommended Polks are rubbish IME. Unless your a midget enclosed in a 2x2 room. They don't go as low and no comment on the inconsistent quality of parts used.

I won't say all of them are junk, but there are better choices for less money.