Bandwidth Sucks and Nothing I do Works

Nov 17, 2004
Here's my situation. I live in a townhouse with the cable modem and router in the laundry room. The laundry room is probably 30 feet from my office where my computer is located. No matter what I do, I can't get a good signal. I have two roommates and both their laptops work flawlessly in here at 14 Mbps while my laptop AND my desktop hover at around 1Mbps. I've tried the built in wifi on the laptop and two different wireless cards linked below. One of them even has three antennas. What is going on? What can I do to fix this?

Edit: The other strange thing is that my upload speed is over 4 Mbps.
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Well you have to start troubleshooting. Have you tried moving your computers? Have you tried a different router? Attaching a WAP? Different NIC? What speed do your computers connect to other networks, if available?

And no, the reviews do not explain why you are having the situation you are having. But they point the consumer in the general direction that the router is not reliable. And an issue of reliability is what you are having IMO.