Bandwidth balancing


Jul 23, 2006
Ok here is the deal I have 2 9mb cable modem connections in my house and I want to share the bandwidth between them. I have a newish computer that I am currently running linux on and feel very comfortable with but I want it to be a router/server. I need to take the 2 public IPs and split the bandwidth between the 2 depending on application.

Interface 1
CS:Source Server

Interface 2
Xbox Live
Everything else

Now Azureus, CS Server, and Apache will be running on the linux machine but I still have several machines and xbox's on DHCP inside the NAT. I am just wondering the easiest way to set this up. Thanks guys.
doh said: is your saviour. Look into bonding as well.

Ok, it's been a while since I read the high availability linux documentation but I believe when doing bonding you are working on getting rid of layer 1 and 2 failures. Since the cable modems are each going to be looking at giving their "client" an IP address you're going to be out of luck on trying to do bonding.
yeah I will have 2 different public IP addresses the only thing Im really worried about is incoming traffic could I make a DNS name point to 2 addresses?
Atomsk47 said:
yeah I will have 2 different public IP addresses the only thing Im really worried about is incoming traffic could I make a DNS name point to 2 addresses?

Yes, Google does it all the time....

bullitt@crashomatic:~$ dig [url][/url]

; <<>> DiG 9.3.2-P1 <<>> [url][/url]
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 21278
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 6, ADDITIONAL: 0

;[url][/url].                        IN      A

[url][/url].         394025  IN      CNAME   [url][/url].
[url][/url].       300     IN      A
[url][/url].       300     IN      A

So does Microsoft
bullitt@crashomatic:~$ dig [url][/url]

; <<>> DiG 9.3.2-P1 <<>> [url][/url]
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 45419
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 11, AUTHORITY: 9, ADDITIONAL: 4

;[url][/url].             IN      A

[url][/url].      3600    IN      CNAME   toggle.[url][/url].
toggle.[url][/url]. 300   IN      CNAME   g.[url][/url].
g.[url][/url].    300     IN      CNAME   lb1.[url][/url].
lb1.[url][/url].  300     IN      A
lb1.[url][/url].  300     IN      A
lb1.[url][/url].  300     IN      A
lb1.[url][/url].  300     IN      A
lb1.[url][/url].  300     IN      A
lb1.[url][/url].  300     IN      A
lb1.[url][/url].  300     IN      A
lb1.[url][/url].  300     IN      A
The simple answer is NO, you cannot load balance outbound NAT connections like you want.

The IP protocol was not meant to be used like this. All of those dual wan routers are hacks that will give you inconsistent connectivity.

Large places like google/MS have true load sharing routers, very different from some linux box or $99 router.
contact your isp to have them bond it....if they can without a fee. they will usually try to siphon more of your hard earned money from you.
Could someone give me a basic explanation of bonding? Im not a big network person I just deal in the server/application end of technology at work lol :p
Are you using consumer cable internet service? If yes, completely ignore the idea of bonding altogether.

Bonding is a way of combining multiple physical connections into one vitural connection to overcome the bandwidth limitations of a single connections. Useful in clusted computing enviroments and the like where you are not limitedd by the speed of your WAN connection, but instead limited by the throughput of the NIC on the node.
Ok yeah it is a home cable provider(Sudden Link). Its just two of my roommates work there and they both get free cable internet and it would be such a waste if we only used one :D
Might look at pfsense
I don't know how well you will be able to control the outbound traffic, but it's worth a shot.