Ballmer Says Windows 7 Nearly Final

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Steve Ballmer, during his keynote speech at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show, said that a “nearly final” build of Windows 7 beta will be available to the public on Friday.

Microsoft Corp.'s next version of the Windows operating system is almost ready for prime time. That's one message Chief Executive Steve Ballmer delivered on the eve of the official opening of the International Consumer Electronics Show.
I just downloaded it yesterday from technet. Good thing a public beta is coming out tomorrow
I'm looking forward to running the x64 beta from now until release.
Yea and goody! I'm looking forward to the finalized version. Too bad I don't have a touch screen to screw with :)
Been running Built 7000 for a while now.. I absolutely love this one.. Its basically vista with a huge service pack.. This is how Vista should have been out of the box.. I have yet to plug in a device that it cant find a driver for automatically.. Much smaller foot print.. Havent tried any gaming yet tho.. Gonna be firing up STEAM tomorrow
Been running Built 7000 for a while now.. I absolutely love this one.. Its basically vista with a huge service pack.. This is how Vista should have been out of the box.. I have yet to plug in a device that it cant find a driver for automatically.. Much smaller foot print.. Havent tried any gaming yet tho.. Gonna be firing up STEAM tomorrow

+1...I have it running on a test box with an XP3200 with a Gb of ram and its fast and stable....

If the final release is anything like the beta, we have a winner...
im running it also on a compaq v5015 , turion 1.8ghz, 1.5gb ram and ati 200m chipset.
only problem I had was getting my sound to work. however the vista sound driver for this model worked flawless. its exceptionally fast and zippy booting and basic usage. only problem i have is it doesn't support daemon tools... yet
I'm looking forward to downloading the x64 version and running it. Microsoft seems to have a lot of confidence with Windows 7. Which leads me to believe it might be something special. I really haven't heard anything bad about it.
i cant wait until this one comes out, vista never did too well out of the gate but already there is praise for *beta* versions of this!
I downloaded x64 from MSDN yesterday. I have build 7000 running on a test rig, and so far looks good.
Looks like they know about the Key bug and it's been reported.

Make sure you read the ReadME ! There is one hell of a nasty MP3 bug in this release!
sweet! Can't wait :) going to wake up early tomorrow prob 6AM so i can download it earlier before the heavy download traffic :). So does it really looks like windows 7 is going to come out during summer? Oh also my cousin said that the beta expires Aug 1? ... Any other ways im excited :D and going to buy windows 7 the first day it comes out no matter what hehe.. although i already have vista :D.... ms4life :)
hopefully it goes final and retail before july. i have a freebie MSDN premium account from a Microsoft promotion and I'd like to get some legit licenses before my MSDN subscription expires.
Is Windows 7 using regular Vista drivers for vid card, chipset, etc?
It is now available for download on my MSDN subscription I just got the email and am downloading it now.
Is Windows 7 using regular Vista drivers for vid card, chipset, etc?

That's what I hear. Win7 is Vista down at the core with some modifications under the hood. AFAIK Vista drivers work in Win7
Public beta starts Friday. Its currently available on TechNet and MSDN for subscribers.
Any new features or is this basically Vista with a lot of reworking to be refined for stability and performance? I haven't kept track of what's going on with Windows 7 much.
Windows 7 = Windows Vista SP2
IMO, this "update" should be free for Vista owners. Vista has many broken features that makes it a pain to use. My biggest gripe is still how it randomly resets folder views, but it goes much deeper than that.

Very sad I actually bought Vista, and feel taken advantage of for even buying the Ultimate flavor. I figured it was the next "XP" and would be around for 7+ years. Guess it pays to not pay until you use it through its life cycle. lol
wow they really pushed on this one. I need to get a copy.
Windows 7 = Windows Vista SP2
IMO, this "update" should be free for Vista owners. Vista has many broken features that makes it a pain to use. My biggest gripe is still how it randomly resets folder views, but it goes much deeper than that.

Very sad I actually bought Vista, and feel taken advantage of for even buying the Ultimate flavor. I figured it was the next "XP" and would be around for 7+ years. Guess it pays to not pay until you use it through its life cycle. lol

Should've used the [H]otDeal section if you didn't like your copy of Vista. ;-)
Are they doing anything to make explorer better? that's the one thing I can't stand about Vista...
I got 3 free 32bit ultimate licenses from conferences over the last 2 years. I hope they'll be giving out 64bit licenses when windows 7 comes out. MS promised they would pull us kicking and screaming into 64bit if they had to. At the Heros Happen {here} conference they gave out 64bit SQL Server and 64bit Windows Server 2008.

What gets me is that this probably would have just been a couple of service packs worth of updates if Vista had been received better. It is amazing. Slap a new name and a price tag on it, and all of a sudden the haters become believers.
Here's a cynical thought for the day: perhaps Microsoft intentionally put out Vista so that Windows 7 would look better and lots of people would buy it? Kinda like the "new coke" thing?

Meh, too early in the morning for that kind of cynicism. My question is this: how does it stack up against XP and Linux for performance?

I *still* think they're doing UAC wrong, though...
One more thing--from the last paragraph of the article:
Dell will put a special Live Search browser toolbar and Windows Live programs, including Microsoft's e-mail and instant-messaging applications, on most of the consumer and small-business PCs that it sells worldwide. That deal replaces a relationship between Dell and Google.
That must have been some serious cash that changed hands for that one. And Microsoft must be absolutely desperate to knock google off its throne.
I was happy to see though that they are putting effort into R&D. Intel has done that before too. When companies put resources and effort into R&D while others are making cuts, they stand ready to deliver sooner when the economy turns.
Might have to rig up a second harddrive and test this thing out.

Does the beta have Media Center in it?
So it looks like Vista's reputation will follow in the footsteps of Windows ME, more or less.
I agree about Win7 being free for Vista owners - at the very least Ultimate owners.... and if not free, then a smaller upgrade price.

I definitely feel as if I've been had for actually buying licenses for Vista to have it replaced so quickly.
Windows 7 = Windows Vista SP2
IMO, this "update" should be free for Vista owners. Vista has many broken features that makes it a pain to use. My biggest gripe is still how it randomly resets folder views, but it goes much deeper than that.

Very sad I actually bought Vista, and feel taken advantage of for even buying the Ultimate flavor. I figured it was the next "XP" and would be around for 7+ years. Guess it pays to not pay until you use it through its life cycle. lol
No argument on the update thing. Hopefully there is a better than reasonable upgrade path for current Vista users, since we pretty much paid to beta test for Microsoft. I personally don't have many issues with Vista but there are some things that just should have been in better shape when the OS originally shipped.

There was a MSDN forum post about the folder views and I think basically the MVP said that there was a limit to how many folder views are remembered. I was stumped by the views being reset and just kind of accepted it although it can be annoying at times. I also don't like how it assumes views because a media file happens to be present.

Anyhow, I'm downloading x86 and x64 right now, the key allotment function isn't working but hopefully that doesn't stop me from being able to install it. I'm assuming there should be a key less option with the 30 or 60 day timeout before forced activation. That MP3 issue is scary but I'm doing a clean install anyway.
Aren't all currently available versions of Windows still "nearly finished"? Marketing speak at its best.
Looking forward to the public beta. When they say it's being released Friday, does that mean tonight at midnight, or will it be at some random time during the day?