Backup & Sync tools available?

Dec 3, 2006
I did some raw research and came up with this list:

- Synctoy
- Total Commander
- AllSync Business Edition
- GRBackPro
- Second Copy
- Rdist or Rsync
- Unison
- WinBackup Professional
- Super Flexible File Synchronizer
- KLS Backup 2006 Professional
- Genie Backup Manager Pro
- Backup Made Simple
- Casper XP
- IBackup Personal
- ABF Outlook Backup
- Memeo AutoBackup
- Backup4all Professional Edition
- Novosoft Office Backup
- Handy Backup
- File Compare & Folder Synchronization Software
- ViceVersa PRO
- ProUpdater
- Synchronize It!
- Foldermatch
- Link Maven

Anyone who has some some pos. or con. experience with a tool please share your experiences with us.

Still looking for the ideal Backup - synchronize tool also over the network.

Any command review is most welcome!
I use SyncToy at work and at home. It's easy enough for my wife to use, and configurable enough for me to use at work. I'm actually toying around with shutting off folder redirection for my entire company, and having them use SyncToy instead.
Another vouch for Sync Toy. The easiest program to use, and its free!