Backing up ONE program only


Feb 16, 2001
My father has a win98 system. He has a couple of programs that i'd like to "extract" out of it since we no longer have the cd's for them.

Is there a utility out there that anyone knows of that "backs up or extract" a program and all related files to it regardless of where those files are?

If someone has an idea please post here. Thanks guys!
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....i dunno man....try looking under program files and copy all the contents onto cd try it on another comp and see if that does the trick????...else maybe just try downloading it off kazaa again or something
I'm not sure if there are any programs like that. Since it would have to back up not only the files (possibly even ones being shared) then it would have to back up all the associated registry entries as well, it would have to bea "smart" little utitlity to be able to do that. I can't say i know of any programs like that or if any exist. Symantec Ghost is the closest thing and it allows you to create application install packages only because you tell it to record all changes to the system while installing a program, then it records all those changes and creates an install package to be able to install it later if you have to. I haven't had any experience dealing with that though. So basically i think you would need to know all the linked files and registry entries etc. and be able to restore them, so i think you are out of luck. I remember trying to find something to do that a while back but couldn't find anything, so if someone else can provide you with a solution, well it would help me too.
IxGOxSOLO said:
I'm not sure if there are any programs like that. Since it would have to back up not only the files (possibly even ones being shared) then it would have to back up all the associated registry entries as well, it would have to bea "smart" little utitlity to be able to do that. I can't say i know of any programs like that or if any exist. Symantec Ghost is the closest thing and it allows you to create application install packages only because you tell it to record all changes to the system while installing a program, then it records all those changes and creates an install package to be able to install it later if you have to. I haven't had any experience dealing with that though. So basically i think you would need to know all the linked files and registry entries etc. and be able to restore them, so i think you are out of luck. I remember trying to find something to do that a while back but couldn't find anything, so if someone else can provide you with a solution, well it would help me too.

aye, i've searched hi and lo to no avail. i can't just copy the directory into the new pc because it looks for dll files. no solution so far...bleh :(