Backing Up Games

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Limp Gawd
Nov 2, 2005
For protection (please no flaming):
Right now "my friend" uses Netflix, and when he gets them he puts the dvd into his computer and burns them to dvd for his own personal use, via dvd decrypter and dvd shrink. Then he sends back the original and keeps the copy. First off, is this legal? I was wondering if this was possible to do with games, and instead of Netflix, using Gamefly. Could you still use dvd shrink? If you couldn't, are there any other programs to do this for games?
Tiny is right.
And you sooooo could have worded this question differently so that it would fall into the realm of legit. I mean, backing up your games you own for your own purposes is fine, I do it all the time. It's easier to keep an image of the disc on the drive, espcially for lans and stuff. Search the forum, do a google search and you should find what you need.
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